Help with your Timetable
Frequently Asked Questions
Only students who are registered on the BECE, BED and PMEP programmes will have an individualised timetable. All other students will need to search for their timetable.
Please view the Help Viewing Your Timetable video on how to find search for your timetable.
Please make sure you have registered correctly. You can check your registration schedule at the following link https://www.dcu.ie/major-and-module-selection-Instructions, which will show you which module combinations are allowed on your programme: . If you have registered correctly but appear to have a clash on your timetable please raise a ticket with the question "I have checked my registration and it is correct, but my Timetable is still wrong"
Only students who are registered on the BECE, BED and PMEP programmes will have an individualised timetable. All other students will need to search for their timetable.
Please make sure you have registered correctly. You can check your registration schedule at the following link https://www.dcu.ie/major-and-module-selection-Instructions, which will show you which module combinations are allowed on your programme: . If you have registered correctly but appear to have a clash on your timetable please raise a ticket with the question "I have checked my registration and it is correct, but my Timetable is still wrong"
Please check your programme timetable and check the weeks in which the tutorials or practicals are due to take place. If they do not start until Week 2 or 3 of semester, you will be contacted closer to the time and told which group/tutorial/lab you should attend. If you haven't been informed several days before the lab/tutorial/practical is due to start raise a ticket with the question "My labs and tutorials are due to start in a few days and I have not been notified of lab / practical or tutorial groupings".
Please make sure you have registered correctly. You can check your registration schedule at the following link https://www.dcu.ie/major-and-module-selection-Instructions, which will show you which module combinations are allowed on your programme.
If you have registered correctly but appear to have a clash on your timetable please raise a ticket with the question "I have checked my registration and it is correct, but my Timetable is still wrong"
Scheduling hours in DCU for undergraduate students are from 9am-6pm, Monday to Thursday, and from 9am-5pm on Fridays. Classes can be scheduled any time during these periods. If you have a particular issue with a time on your Timetable you should discuss this with the module coordinator concerned.
Unfortunately, students are not permitted to change tutorial or lecture groups.
Your timetable will continue to change up until the start of semester. For that reason, you must check your timetable regularly up until the evening before semester begins, to make sure that you are looking at the most up-to-date information. If your timetable changes during the first two weeks of either semester, you and the lecturer concerned will be emailed by the Faculty Timetabler directly, at your DCU student email address. No changes are allowed after the end of Week 2 of either semester.
This means that the class takes place in Weeks 2, 4 and 6 of the DCU 2024/25 academic calendar. In the 2024/25 academic year, Week 1 is the week beginning Monday September 9th, 2024. In Publish, you can click on the "Week" drop-down menu and it will show you the corresponding date for the start of that week.
In the event that you have not been provided with links to your online live synchronous activities via Loop or another means, please contact your module coordinator.
In the event that you have not been provided with links to your online recorded asynchronous activities via Loop or another means, please contact your module coordinator.
Data Privacy Notice
By registering a query through this portal you will be submitting personal data to DCU. The data collected via this portal will only be used for purposes connected to dealing with your query. DCU is the Data Controller and any queries regarding any personal data aspects of this portal should in the first instance be forwarded to asu@dcu.ie, or alternatively, to the DCU Data Protection Unit at data.protection@dcu.ieor by phoning 01-700 6466. Please note that these accounts are monitored for personal data queries only. Timetable queries must be submitted by selecting 'Click Here' above.