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Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Collaborative Provision

Collaborative Provision

Collaborative provision involves a formal arrangement between a degree-awarding body and another organisation, most commonly another higher education provider, typically leading to an award of credit, or a qualification, from the degree-awarding body. At DCU, collaborative provision ranges from standard agreements on work placements and exchange programmes, to complex arrangements for academic collaborations leading to joint awards, all of which lead to the awarding of credit by DCU and/or the partner institution(s), typically another higher education provider.  


DCU is responsible for the quality and standards of all provision leading to an award of credit or qualification(s) made in its name, wherever the delivery takes place. As such, DCU has established approval protocols, which define each type of collaborative provision arrangement and indicate who is authorised to approve the formal agreement underpinning each type of arrangement. The level of approval required for each type of collaborative provision is appropriate to the associated risk and the level of due diligence required relative to the standing and reputation of the proposed partner institution(s).


Any queries relating to collaborative provision should be directed, in the first instance, to the Academic Secretariat (academicsecretariat@dcu.ie) in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Validation Form (AA Form) for a programme of study involving a single or multiple partner institutions and which must complete the University approval process can be found under ‘Related Documentation’.

DCU will choose to work with partner institutions that help the University to deliver on its mission, further its strategy and enhance its reputation, and will make the decision to partner by taking the specific academic, business, and strategic merits of each proposal into account. 


  1. DCU collaborative provision arrangements leading to an award of credit or a qualification will apply standards that are equivalent to and consistent with those applied to modules and programmes that are delivered in their entirety by the University. 
  2. DCU collaborative provision arrangements will ensure all quality assurance requirements are met in a manner that is consistent with the University’s standing as a Designated Awarding Body, in compliance with relevant legislation and any regulations and standards the University is subject to. 
  3. Where relevant, institutional and/or academic due diligence will be undertaken, which will be proportionate to the risk associated with the type of collaboration being proposed and the status of the prospective partner.


These principles underlie collaborative provision arrangements at DCU and are informed by and fully aligned with the University’s Principles of Collaboration, Partnership Approval Process and Signing Authority Policy and Appendix. Queries relating to the principles of collaboration and the partnership approval process should be directed toward the Director of Engagement Governance in the Office of the Executive Director of Engagement, while queries relating to the operation of the signing authority policy should be directed toward the Chief Operations Officer.

The Collaborative Provision Protocols define each category of collaborative provision to which this policy applies. The following key definitions are central to understanding DCU’s position as it relates to collaborative provision. These definitions apply equally to taught and research contexts. 


Collaborative Programme

A programme that is underpinned by a formal arrangement between DCU and another organisation, most commonly another higher education provider, typically leading to an award of credit or qualification(s). 


Joint Programme

An integrated programme that is jointly developed, delivered and assessed by DCU and one or more partner institutions leading to a single, joint or double (multiple) award. DCU will only enter into a “joint programme”, thus defined, where that programme leads to a major award.  


Joint Award

An award that is made by DCU and one or more partner institutions on completion of a Joint Programme, evidenced by a single parchment.


Double (Multiple) Award

Two or more awards at the same level that are made separately by DCU and partner institution(s) on completion of a Joint Programme, and that are evidenced by individual parchments, perhaps one from each participating partner institution (or their awarding body).


Dual Award

Two individual awards, attesting the successful completion of two separate curricula, with potential overlap and efficiencies in course-taking, and, if more than one institution is involved, each institution is primarily responsible for its own award.

The below documents provide further information about collaborative provision at DCU: 






  • Partnership Approval Process


  • Principles of Collaboration



Queries with respect to the Partnership Approval Process and the Principles of Collaboration should be directed, in the first instance, to Mary Colgan, Director of Engagement Governance (mary.colgan@dcu.ie) in the Office of the Executive Director of Engagement. Further information about the validation and accreditation process can be found on the Programme Approval page.