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Launch of DCU Ryan Academy/BTSI professional sales education courses Nicola Byrne, Chief Executive and founder of 11890.ie, Mairead Cosgrave, CEO, Business Training Solutions Ireland and Ann Horan, CEO DCU Ryan Academy for Entrepreneurship at the launch of the DCU Ryan Academy/BTSI professional sales education courses. The programmes are designed to dramatically improve sales team performance and sales management capability.
Conor McGinnity winner of the Crystal Clear MSD Health Literacy Award.
Winners of the President's Awards for Civic Engagements
L-R: Dr. Aljoscha Smolic, Senior Research Scientist, Disney Research Zurich Prof. Gael Richard, Telecom ParisTech, France Prof. Mubarak Shah, University of Central Florida, USA Prof. Fernando Pereira, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal Prof. Noel O'Connor, Dublin City University