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Recipients of the DCU President's Awards for Teaching 2022

Prof Theo Lynn, David Curtin of .IE, Prof Edel Conway, Prof Daire Keogh, Dr Declan Curran and Prof Colm O’Gorman

70 buildings and landmarks across Ireland turned purple for Intersex Solidarity Day on 8 November 2020.
L-R: Inis Fitzpatrick, DCU Access to the Workplace Coordinator, Jason Sherlock, Director of Development DCU Educational Trust, Cathy McLouglin, Head of DCU Access Service, Damien Keneghan, Associate Director of Jacobs Engineering, Claire Hellen, HR Strategy Specialist with Ibec, Pietre O'Sullivan, Prof. Yseult Freeney, Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning in the DCU Business School.

Students from the University of Trento (Italy), University of Aveiro (Portugal), Linköping University (Sweden), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), University of Stavanger (Norway) and Hamburg University of Technology (Germany).