DCU Music and poet Ciara Ni É look to the future for project celebrating the end of COVID-19 crisis
Three DCU artists are collaborating remotely at this time of social isolation to create an original piece of music, to be performed as a celebration when normal life resumes.
Composer Dr Seán Doherty, Assistant Professor in DCU’s School of Theology, Philosophy and Music, and Ciara Ni É, writer-in-residence, are creating a work for massed choirs that can be learned by interested singers through online channels.
Dr Róisín Blunnie, Assistant Professor in DCU’s School of Theology, Philosophy and Music, will be the conductor for the project, and will record learning tutorials for participants.
A range of special learning resources will be made available online.
Ní É says
‘This pandemic is a testing and bizarre time in all of our lives. It is abundantly clear that art and creativity are crucial in providing relief. When else has a national news broadcast ended with a poem?
We are watching taped versions of plays, opera, and musicals; and tuning in to live concerts and performances. We are also returning to our personal creative pursuits: knitting, painting, and taking down our own instruments from the shelf.
It's important to remember that this too shall pass, and this project is a wonderful reminder of that’.
Doherty says the work will contain special recognition for the important role of our health and emergency services.
‘Active preparation for this celebration will give a sense of hope in the worst times of this harrowing crisis’.
Follow Ciara Ní É @miseciara, Seán Doherty @seandcomposer, Róisín Blunnie @rblunnie, and @Music_DCU
Pictured: Dr Seán Doherty, Ciara Ni É and Dr Róisín Blunnie