Irish Audience Sentiment on key Brexit personalities
NeuroLynQ, a biometrics platform developed by Irish wearables company, Shimmer Research based at DCU Alpha (DCU's Innovation Campus) will be deployed as part of an event to measure Irish audience sentiment on key Brexit personalities, kicking off at an event in DCU Alpha, Talent Garden on Thursday, October 3rd, 8am.
NeuroLynQ allows market research, neuromarketing and consumer neuroscience companies to gain an insight into the complex emotional responses of an audience or individual to marketing material, advertising and other sensory stimuli.
The event will involve an audience of on average 45 persons fitted with Shimmer’s NeuroLynQ sensors that will measure GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) and ECG (Electrocardiogram) bio-signals on a single sensor.
GSR and ECG signals have long been recognized and validated in the neuroscience industry as reliable indicators of a person’s non-conscious emotional reactions.
With NeuroLynQ, GSR and ECG data from up to 45 persons can be collected simultaneously and in real-time with advanced data metrics allowing for a quick understanding of how an individual or group is responding to the stimulus they are being exposed to.
Participants will be given a quick introduction on NeuroLynQ and the study in which they are about to participate.
Subsequently the audience will be shown a series of short video clips of 10 key Brexit politicians.
Each politician will appear on screen 3 separate times in a randomized order. On conclusion of the video screening participants will be instructed on removing and returning the devices.
They will then be provided with a survey link to follow on their mobile devices. This brief 5-7 minute survey will relate to their opinions on Brexit. Participants will be thanked and provided with refreshments that will be available in the foyer area.
The purpose of the event is multifold:
To understand the extent to which real-time physiological responses to politicians discussing Brexit are predictive of post-task self-reported ratings on the issue.
To learn which key Brexit personalities elicit the strongest and weakest emotional responses amongst a primarily Irish based audience
Determine which candidates elicit positive, neutral and negative emotional responses within the Irish participant group being assessed.
Key Personalities
Ireland/ Northern Ireland
• Simon Coveney
• Arlene Foster
• Donald Trump
• Nancy Pelosi
• Boris Johnson
• Nigel Farage
• Jeremy Corbyn
• Theresa May
• Angela Merkel
• Donald Tusk
Since its release in 2016, NeuroLynQ has been used in numerous fields such as video ads testing, measuring live events, focus groups, product concept testing, ad testing, mock jury trials, shopper research and UX research by many of the world’s leading market research companies such as Nielsen, IPSOS and GFK. One such study occurred last February when, in a first of its kind study, IPSOS tested all of the commercials during the American Football Super Bowl in real-time. IPSOS gathered 45 football fans and using NeuroLynQ were able to monitor their emotional arousal as a group whilst watching the commercials.
In addition IPSOS were quickly able to collate from first to last which Ads generated the strongest emotional responses from the Audience.
These results were ready for publishing the following morning.
You can read more about this particular study here.
Further case studies can also be found here.