Launch of Country’s First Master’s in Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technologies) through Skillnet Ireland and DCU
The programme has been developed by Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet in collaboration with Dublin City University
This Master’s in Blockchain Distributed Ledger Technologies is the first of its kind in Ireland and will be delivered part time online
The Minister for Business, Enterprise, and Innovation Heather Humphreys T.D. launched Ireland’s first ever Master’s in Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technologies) in the Davenport Hotel in Dublin this morning with the President of DCU, Professor Brian MacCraith and Paul Healy, CEO of Skillnet Ireland in attendance.
The programme has been developed by Skillnet Ireland’s Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet, in collaboration with Dublin City University.
The launch coincides with Blockchain Ireland week, a Government initiative focused on promoting the growth and development of Blockchain technology in the country.
Speaking at the launch, Minister for Business, Enterprise, and Innovation, Heather Humphreys T.D. said:
"Ireland is a global technology leader, including in blockchain technology. Nine of the top ten US technology companies operate in Ireland, along with nine of the top ten global companies recruiting in the blockchain industry.
Our aim is always to be proactive in anticipating and serving the needs of the industry and the people who work within it.
This programme directly supports objectives set out in the Government’s Future Jobs Ireland initiative.
The first of its kind in Ireland, this Masters programme will help ensure the country has all the skills necessary to become a global hub for this new technology."
In response to the National Blockchain strategy and aligned to the Government’s Future Jobs Ireland initiative’s aim of enhancing skills and developing and attracting talent, Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet worked with Blockchain Ireland to identify what skills were needed in this sector.
This Masters programme was developed as a result. Skillnet Ireland awarded funding to Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet, under its Future Skills programme, to further the programme development in collaboration with industry.
“Ireland can be at the forefront of Blockchain revolution,” said Chief Executive of Skillnet Ireland Paul Healy
“Blockchain technology has now penetrated multiple industry sectors such as banking and finance, food supply-chains and medtech .
A highly skilled workforce is one of the essential ingredients for Ireland to be a leader in Blockchain technologies.
This Master’s programme will help ensure we have the right skills available for companies and IT professionals to enhance their blockchain technology capability and to seize the immense opportunities that are available” he added.
The Masters in Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technologies) will be delivered by industry specialists in collaboration with Dublin City University.
The programme will be primarily taught online, part time, over a two-year period.
“DCU is proud to collaborate with Skillnet Ireland on the first of its kind Master’s programme in Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technologies),” said President of Dublin City University, Professor Brian MacCraith
“This programme will produce graduates equipped with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in this rapidly changing sector.
This project displays the combined strengths of higher education and enterprise networks in the face of new challenges we all face in our quest to flourish as an economy,” he added.
Blockchain was first introduced as the underlying platform for the famous cryptocurrency Bitcoin, over a decade ago. Since then, it has been gaining popularity and has become one of the fastest growing technologies of recent times.
In 2018, over $5 billion was invested in the sector by venture capital firms, a significant increase from the previous year’s $1.5 billion.
Experts have considered it to be the best technology created in recent years, after the internet itself.
“The lack of technical Blockchain skills is of national and international concern as it is a significant inhibitor to Blockchain adoption in companies across key industries including manufacturing, supply-chain, health, food, aviation, finance and the public sector,” said Dave Feenan, Acting Network Manager for Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet
“This new Master’s will provide Ireland will a real opportunity to upskill our already excellent IT professionals, preparing them for jobs of the future.
The synergy between industry and education means these professionals will have the practical tools needed to bring the benefits of Blockchain technology to a variety sectors,” he added.
This course is aimed at IT professionals working in the Republic of Ireland. To qualify for direct entry, they must have a Level 8 Honours Degree (2.2) or higher in Computer Science, Computing, Computer Applications or a related discipline.
Applicants without these entry requirements may be considered if they can demonstrate previously obtained competence equivalent to the entry requirements.
Applications are now open for this new Master’s beginning in September 2019.
The closing date for applications is July 23rd 2019.
In the first instance, applicants should submit their CV directly to info@ictskillnet.ie
For more information on the Master’s degree in Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technologies) at DCU click here:
About Skillnet Ireland
Skillnet Ireland is the national agency responsible for the promotion and facilitation of workforce learning in Ireland. Skillnet Ireland funds over 50 industry representative groups, supporting over 15,000 companies and 50,000 trainees annually.
Skillnet Ireland operates under a joint investment model, part-funded by participating businesses in one of our 60+ learning networks.
Each network, funded by Skillnet Ireland, is a cluster of companies from the same sector or geographical location.
This approach has received international recognition as a model of best practice from the OECD and ILO, amongst others. Skillnet Ireland is funded from the National Training Fund through the Department of Education and Skills.
About Technology Ireland
Technology Ireland is an Association with IBEC, which represents the ICT, Digital and Software Technology Sector.
The Association is a pro-active membership organisation with over 200 member companies located throughout Ireland. Its vision is to make Ireland a global technology powerhouse and to be the catalyst that delivers the most effective change for the technology sector in Ireland.
Technology Ireland provides leadership and direction on key strategic issues facing technology sector.
Technology Ireland is the promoting organisation of both the Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet and the Technology Ireland Software Skillnet.
Skillnet Ireland’s Future Skills Programme
Skillnet Ireland and participating enterprises have committed to investing over €1,000,000 in new programme development, spanning emerging needs in areas such as artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing and global business services.
The objective of the Skillnet Ireland Future Skills Programme is to encourage collaborations between enterprise, academic institutions and industry training providers to develop innovative new programmes that speak directly to the future skills needs of businesses and that address gaps in existing provision.