Technology, bio-design and data analytics to the fore on World Water Day as Institute launch ambitious new plan
A new three year strategic plan launched by the Dublin City University Water Institute today (Friday, March 22nd) has prioritised harnessing the potential of technology, bio-design, data analytics and industry collaboration as a means of devising scalable solutions for water conservation, monitoring, treatment and usage, applicable across all sectors of society. Launched as part of the Institute’s suite of activities to mark World Water Day at DCU, the plan sets out a clear road-map for tackling the management of water-resources which is now regarded as a significant world challenge.
The World Economic Forum has consistently ranked water crises among the most important risks for the global economy while the United Nations estimates that up to three billion people will face water scarcity by 2025.
DCU Water Institute has identified a number of key projects over the coming years which will establish the Institute as an international centre of research excellence.
The plan also aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals as set out by the United Nations.
Key highlights of the Institute’s plan include:
Leading the establishment of a research testbed in engineering, analytical science and data analytics with a particular focus on finding solutions for flooding, scarcity and pollution.
Focussing on bio-design for water management and future emerging technologies, which includes significant international research collaborations.
Highlighting the importance of bio-inspired materials and processes and finding solutions through biofilm management, membrane and materials
Working closely with industry and agencies with the aim of establishing significant innovation partnerships.
Identifying a network of water research leaders by 2020 as well as establishing a Graduate Programme in Water Innovation and Stewardship.
Prof Fiona Regan, Director of the DCU Water Institute commented:
“Water is a national and global challenge. The DCU Water Institute tackles this challenge through multidisciplinary collaborations with multiple stakeholders. I am delighted to launch our new Strategic Plan to mark World Water Day. This new plan highlights the massive potential for us to advance our understanding and management of water through the utilisation of advanced technologies.”
Professor Brian MacCraith, the President of Dublin City University said:
“DCU has played a significant role in water-related research for many years. I welcome the launch of the DCU Water Institute’s Strategic Plan, which lays out an ambitious road-map to make DCU a significant international player in an area of critical global importance.” -
About DCU Water Institute: DCU Water Institute was established in 2013 to bring together the significant capacity and success in water-related research and training in the University to address a significant global need. It is a cross-faculty centre of excellence with academic members from all five faculties of the university and support from key areas of sustainability, communications and enterprise.
Pictured (l-r) at the launch of the DCU Water Institute Strategic Plan “Water Institute: Strategy 2019-2021 were Prof Fiona Regan, Director of DCU Water Institute, President of DCU Prof Brian MacCraith, DCU Sustainability Manager Sam Fahy.