DCU statement on student accommodation
There is significant public comment and justifiable student concern regarding recent rises in accommodation costs in student accommodation in the general vicinity of DCU.
These properties are not owned or managed by DCU. Any queries in relation to the management of these properties should be directed to the private owners.
As a University that promotes access to education for all, we are acutely aware of the financial pressures that are placed on students and their families.
Consequently, we work very hard every year to ensure that the accommodation we provide across our three campuses is as inexpensive as we can possibly make it.
However, further measures are required by policy makers if the ever increasing demand for student accommodation in the Dublin region over the next decade is going to be met on a basis that is genuinely affordable for students and their families.
On-campus Accommodation at DCU is managed by Campus Residences DCU. Campus Residences DCU is the least expensive providers of on-campus accommodation of any university in the Dublin area.
We believe strongly that the cost of accommodation on campus is very favourable, and that the general standard is superior to what is available at similar costs in private rental accommodation.
Moreover, many additional services provided, such as security and maintenance, are a significant advantage for students allowing them to feel safe and secure during their time with us.
The demand for on-campus accommodation is similar to last year with four applications for every bed-space available.
There has been significant investment across all DCU on-Campus accommodation blocks on refurbishment projects. In addition to this, there has been an investment exceeding €2.5 million into the residences on the DCU St Patrick's campus.
DCU is also in the early stages of planning for the construction of an additional 850 bed-spaces across the DCU Glasnevin and All Hallows campuses.
DCU is continuing to explore the viability of constructing additional, Off-Campus properties at affordable costs for students.