International conference: The Law and Politics of Brexit
The School of Law & Government hosted a major international Conference on "The Law & Politics of Brexit" last week. As indicated by the convener, Federico Fabbrini, Professor of Law at DCU, "Brexit represents arguably the most important political event in Europe since the Fall of the Berlin Wall." To this end dozens of scholars and practitioners from several of the best European Universities gathered at DCU to engage in intense 2-day debates, identifying the challenges ahead, and considering possible solutions for the Brexit.
The Conference was opened by a keynote speech by Charles Flanagan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, who emphasised the importance of finding a pragmatic solution for the Northern Ireland question in the context of the negotiations on the withdrawal of the UK from the EU. The Conference was concluded by Danuta Hubner, the Chairwoman of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, who underlined her hope that the European Parliament will endorse a withdrawal agreement, and put the basis for a new UK-EU partnership.
Pictured L-R: Federico Fabrinni, Minister Charles Flanagan and President Brian MacCraith