ABC develops new resource to tackle LGBTI bullying in primary schools
Researchers in the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre have developed a new resource to tackle LGBTI bullying in primary schools. ABC's Dr. Bernie Collins and Dr. Seline Keating with Prof. Mark Morgan (DCU Institute of Education) have worked on the programme in collaboration with Belongto over the past two years.
The programme comprises four lessons based in the SPHE curriculum for 5th and 6th classes in primary schools. The lessons take an equality and human rights approach to respect, inclusion and homophobic and transphobic bullying. The lesson plans for All Together Now include slides, scenarios, discussion questions and other tools for teaching pupils. The pupils are taught about types of identity-based bullying (based on the nine grounds of the Equality Acts and the DES Action Plan on Bullying.) They are also taught about bullying behaviours such as verbal, physical, cyber or social isolation.
All Together Now! was commissioned by BeLonG To Youth Services with funding from the Department of Education and Skills. It was piloted in 14 schools during 2016 before the official launch including nine Catholic schools, two Educate Together schools and two community national schools.