DCU maintains position in latest young universities league table
The latest league table of world top young universities has placed Dublin City University at 79th amongst the best universities aged 50 years or less. The Times Higher Education (THE) 150 Under 50, an analysis of the world’s top universities established since 1966, for the first time, includes 150 institutions - up from 100 in last year’s list. DCU is the only Irish university to have featured in the list every year since its inception.
The THE 150 Under 50 reveals those nations and regions challenging the traditional dominance of universities located in the US and UK, whose institutions occupy three of the Top 40 places and 30 places in the overall ranking. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, founded in 1969 in Switzerland, takes the top spot, reflecting a European dominance of this ranking of young universities. East Asian institutions take four of the next five places, including Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2nd), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (3rd), Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea (5th) and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea (6th).
Phil Baty, Times Higher Education Rankings Editor said,
“The 150 Under 50 ranking is led by young, exciting and dynamic institutions – half of the universities in the top 10 are 30 years or under - from nations investing heavily in creating world-class institutions, for example, Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore. As the pendulum swings, the traditionally dominant US and UK will have to raise their games to continue to compete in future years.”
The THE 100 Under 50 uses the same list of 13 performance indicators across the areas of research, teaching, knowledge transfer and international activity, that underpin the prestigious THE World University Rankings but employs a specially recalibrated methodology to better the characteristics of young institutions - giving less weight to subjective reputation measures and placing more emphasis on hard, objective metrics.
Professor Brian MacCraith, President of DCU welcomed the new rankings,
“This latest league table from Times Higher Education finds DCU in the company of some of the world’s cutting-edge young universities who are transforming the face of third level education. Our consistently strong performance in this ranking recognises our commitment to a holistic, student-centred approach to teaching and learning, and a research agenda which reflects the important role of universities in engaging with and delivering benefit to the wider world.”
The THE 150 Under 50 follows closely on the EU Commission's U-Multirank of global universities published earlier this week. DCU was awarded top grades across all its areas of assessment - quality of teaching & learning, reputation for research, success in knowledge transfer, international orientation and contribution to regional growth. This ranking currently provides the most comprehensive set of university performance benchmarks of any global ranking in terms of indicators, and measuring the broadest range of university activity. Across all the 30 indicators measured, DCU scores more "excellent" grades than any other publicly funded university established since 1945.
For full results and analysis, visit https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2016/one-hundred-fifty-under-fifty.