Translating Biomedical Research
A one-week summer school for US and Irish Students on Translating Biomedical Research into Clinical Use, is taking place at Dublin City University from 21 – 27 July. The course is being given by experts from George Mason University, Virginia, the National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology at DCU, Beaumont Hospital/RCSI, in association with the 3U Partnership (DCU, RCSI, NUIM) and Molecular Therapeutics for Cancer Ireland (MTCI).
The Course Leader from George Mason University is Dr Lance Liotta, former Head of Pathology at NIH and a world-renowned expert in the field of cancer biomarkers and proteomics. The Course will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of translational biomedical research, with particular emphasis on the role of biomarkers in cancer and diabetes.
17 American Students are attending, along with five Faculty Members (three from George Mason University and two from Georgetown University) and 12 Irish Students (NICB, DCU, NUIM, RCSI) There are speakers from NICB, Schol of Health and Nursing, DCU; RCSI/Beaumont Hospital, St. Luke's Hospital, St. Vincent's Hospital/MTCI and St. James' Hospital. The course comprises lectures in the mornings (NICB) and workshops in the afternoons at Beaumont Hospital and NICB.
A welcome dinner was organised for Sunday night in the 1838 Club for everyone to get know each other which was an enjoyable event. The American students and Faculty members will be visiting Glendalough on Saturday 27 July before they head home the next day.