Smartmail project - DCU students reach Innovation final in France
Two DCU students, Claire Quigley (Fiontar) and Sinéad Murtagh (Electronic Engineering) attended the finals of the European Forum for Innovative Start-ups, INNOVACT 2012, held in Reims, France.
Mentored and supported by Ciaran MacAnBhaird and Michael Berry of M2C (located in Invent), Claire and Sinéad, were among 42 finalists who were selected from over two hundred of entries across Europe. They have created a technology platform aimed at the deregulated postal market in Ireland and Europe which allows for more efficient management of postal systems.
The Smartmail platform has two elements. A "smart" mailbox with embedded electronics which monitors all postal activity, and a sophisticated back-office database which analyses the data and makes recommendations. Adoption of this technology enables the service operator to manage business more effectively, increasing operational performance, controlling key spend and monitoring postal usage.
Other benefits include improved supply chain management including reduced truck roll, decreased service times, adherence to regulations and increased market intelligence. Claire and Sinéad developed the business plan as part of their final year project and Intra placement on the BA i nGnó agus Gaeilge (Business and Irish) and the BEng in Electronic Engineering respectively.
This is the first time DCU students have been selected for the finals of the INNOVACT competition.