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Speaking in Japanese
26 February 2003

Ireland's first Japanese Speech Contest was held at DCU on 22 February 2003. It was attended by the Japanese Ambassador to Ireland, His Excellency Takeshi Kagami, who was among the competition judges. The event, organised by the Japanese Language Teachers of Ireland (JLTI), was aimed at promoting awareness of Japanese language and culture in Ireland and to give students of Japanese an opportunity to display their skills in the language.
The contest was divided into three categories with the secondary school category attracting candidates from some of the many schools presently offering Japanese as a transition year option. The winner was Mark Aristizabal from St. Mary's, Rathmines, who received a gift voucher and Japanese study materials. The second category, beginner/lower intermediate level, and third category, intermediate/advanced level comprised of candidates from DCU, TCD, UCD, UL as well as secondary schools, and participants from private companies. The second category was won by Caoilfhionn Nic Fheara from Colaiste Mhuire with a speech entitled 'Differences between Irish and Japanese Secondary School Students'. The third category was won by Jingde Yang, a graduate of the MA in Translation Studies in DCU. His speech was entitled 'The Power of Words'. Both winners received a return air ticket to Japan and a Waterford crystal trophy.
According to Dr Bill Richardson, Head of School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies said, "Events such as this help to advance the teaching and learning of Japanese in this country and to forge links between SALIS and significant bodies and institutions outside the University. Many congratulations to Susan on running this event so well and for putting so much hard work into it - well done, Susan".
The JLTI would like to warmly thank the following groups for their support and sponsorship of the event: Embassy of Japan, Ireland Japan Association, The Japan Business Society in Ireland, Japan Foundation, ANA, AYA, Enterprise Ireland Tokyo, Hitachi Europe Ltd., MUJI, Post Primary Language Initiative, and Waterford-Wedgewood. The Second Japanese Speech Contest will be held in TCD next year.
For further details please contact:
Susan Wilson
Tel: 7005673
Email: susan.wilson@dcu.ie