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2008-09 Irish Science Olympiads

Michael A Cotter (DCU) and Ciaran Ennis (IBM) with trophy winners: David Cox, Aoife McCarthy, David McCarthy, Gareth Gamble

On Saturday 31 January 2009 over three hundred secondary school students, from twenty-seven counties, participated in the 2008-09 IBM-DCU Irish Science Olympiad in DCU. The schools were asked to nominate their best science students to take part. Approximately 350 students registered for the four competitions. These students competed for gold, silver and bronze All-Ireland Science Olympiad medals and for places on the Irish 2009 International Biology (IBO), Chemistry (IChO), Computer Programming (IOI) and Physics (IPhO) Olympiads teams.

The annual IBM/DCU Irish Science Olympiad aims to stimulate the active interest of students in science, to promote and reward the pursuit of excellence in the sciences and to convey to the wider community the importance of advanced study and progressive learning in science. This All-Ireland science competition in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Programming and Physics is open to all second-level students.

The students began arriving at DCU at 9.00 am to register for each of the competitions and the three-hour tests began at 11.00 am in each of the four schools. Professor Richard O Kennedy & Elaine Darcy (Biology), Dr. Paraic James (Chemistry), Dr. Ciaran O Conaire and Charlie Daly (Computer Programming) and Dr. Eamonn Cunningham and David Rea (Physics) who are responsible for each section of the Olympiad had teams of DCU staff and postgraduate students ready to administer, supervise and correct the tests.

At 3.30 p.m. the students, many accompanied by their parents and teachers crowded into a packed Larkin Theatre for the closing ceremony where they were each presented with a personalised certificate. Michael A. Cotter (ISO Director) opened the proceedings by welcoming the students, He said: “This event is an ideal avenue for Ireland’s future scientists to showcase their skills to a national audience and potentially on an international stage. Each year the IBM/DCU Irish Science Olympiad provides our students with an ideal platform to equip themselves for a career in the sciences.”

The speakers thanked the parents and teachers for their support and encouragement. They were particularly appreciative of the tremendous effort put in by the DCU staff and postgraduate students in bringing the 2008-09 IBM/DCU Irish Science Olympiad to a successful conclusion. 

The invited guests presented medals. Panels of students were chosen from which the four member Irish International Olympiad Teams in each subject will be selected to represent Ireland at one of the Olympiads in Summer 2009.


Medal Student Name School
Trophy Aoife McCarthy St. Angela’s School, St. Patrick's Hill, Cork City
Gold Roxanne Lau Dalriada Grammar School, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim
Silver  Piers Murphy Methodist College, Malone Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim
Silver F. Samuel Duffy Colaiste Ris, Castlebar Rd., Westport, Mayo
Silver Niall Cosgrave St. Michael’s College, Ailesbury Road, Dublin 4
Silver James Peoples Dalriada Grammar School, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim
Bronze David Neely St. Columb’s College, Buncrana Rd, Derry, Co. Derry
Bronze Louisa Bradley John Scottus School, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Bronze  Han Lu Methodist College, Malone Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim
Bronze Hannah Javenmard Colaiste Naomh Mhuire, Sallins Rd., Naas, Co. Kildare


Medal Student Name School
Trophy Gareth Gamble Banbridge Academy, Lurgan Rd., Banbridge, Co. Down
Gold Ronan Judge St. Muredach’s College, Ballina, Co. Mayo
Silver  Sean O’Dwyer Comprehensive School, Causeway, Tralee, Co. Kerry
Silver  Ciaran Coney St. Mary's Grammar School, Magherafelt, Co. Derry
Silver Kristian McCaul St. Columb’s College, Buncrana Rd, Derry, Co. Derry
Silver Daniel Quill St. Michael’s College, Ailesbury Road, Dublin 4
Bronze  Gareth McCrudden Lumen Christi College, Bishop Street, Derry
Bronze Orla Carron Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin
Bronze  Christopher Dorman Methodist College, Malone Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim
Bronze Patrick Carthy Mercy Secondary School, Ballymahon, Co. Longford


Medal Student Name School
Trophy David Cox Portadown College, Killicomaine Road, Co. Armagh
Gold John Collison Castletroy College, Newtown, Castletroy, Co. Limerick
Silver Brajith Srigengan Methodist College, Malone Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim
Silver Joe Thompson Colaiste Phobal Ros Cre, Roscrea, Co Tipperary
Silver Zhanzhan He Coleraine Academical Institution, Co. Londonderry
Silver Philip Flahavan Clongowes Wood College, Clane, Co. Kildare
Bronze  Andrew Kennedy Banbridge Academy, Lurgan Rd., Banbridge, Co. Down
Bronze Zao Wu Methodist College, Malone Road, Belfast, Co Antrim
Bronze Peter Farnon St. Coleman's College, Newry, Co. Down
Bronze Shubhankar Mohan St Peter’s College, Dunboyne, Co. Meath

Computer Programming

Medal Student Name School
Trophy David McCarthy Midleton C.B.S., Midleton, Co. Cork
Silver Simon-Peter Free Templeogue College, Dublin 6W
Bronze Brian Walsh St. Colman's College, Fermoy, Co. Cork
Bronze Jared Auty St. Colman's College Fermoy, Co. Cork
Panel Paul McGarry St. Peter’s Community School, Passage West, Co. Cork.
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Gold Paul Bunbury Bridgetown VC, Bridgetown, Co. Wexford.
Silver Ruairí Kenny Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál, Blarney, Co. Cork
Bronze Shane Walsh St. Colman’s College, Fermoy, Co Cork

For Further Information Contact:
Michael A. Cotter
ISO Director, Dublin City University, Dublin 9.
email: michael.cotter@dcu.ie