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Professor Peter Boyle, disease prevention expert, gives public talk at DCU

DCU Chancellor David Byrne, Professor Peter Boyle and
DCU President, Professor Brian MacCraith
DCU Chancellor David Byrne, Professor Peter Boyle and DCU President, Professor Brian MacCraith

Speaking at a public lecture on 'Global Health and the Future of Epidemiology' at DCU, world-renowned disease prevention expert, Professor Peter Boyle, said that premature death before age 70 is frequently avoidable.

He said that of the approximate 60 million deaths which occur globally each year, half of these occur in people less than 60 years of age, and one death in five is in a child under five years of age. Of these deaths in children, 90% are avoidable, being caused by diarrhoea, bronchiolytis and measles which occur predominantly in lower resource countries.

Professor Peter Boyle, President of the International Prevention Research Institute in Lyon, has carried out research into disease prevention, and is particularly interested in translating information on chronic disease risk factors into population behaviour.

Professor Boyle said, "We are in the era of prevention, where life expectancy is increasing and healthy life expectancy could be greatly increased also. Information is available regarding the determinants of premature death which if implemented could lead to prevention of at least half of these deaths. While death is unavoidable, premature death before age 70 can frequently be avoided".

Historically, he said, epidemiological approaches have served to render many diseases avoidable. "Puerperal fever which used to cause deaths among women has reduced significantly, while lung cancer, which was rare at the start of the 20th century is now the commonest cause of cancer death worldwide".?

"Given the global tsunami of non-communicable disease in the coming decades, we should strive to make this 21st century that of prevention", he said.

DCU President, Professor Brian MacCraith, said, "Not only is Prof Boyle a world-renowned expert across many areas of Health, he is heavily involved in shaping major initiatives in Health at EU level. His insights will be very useful in informing our own perspectives on research strategy at a time of prioritisation".

Biographical notes:
Professor Peter Boyle was appointed President of the International Prevention Research Institute, Lyon, France in 2008. He is currently Honorary Professor of Cancer Prevention and Control at Oxford University, Visiting Professor at Glasgow University, Adjunct Professor at Yale University and Honorary Professor at Dundee University.

He previously held posts as Director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (2004 -- 2008), and Director of the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy. He has also held posts in Glasgow University, Harvard School of Public Health and the International Agency for Research on Cancer.