Publication and Launch of School Age Childcare National Quality Guidelines
Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth, Roderic O'Gorman T.D launched the newly published National Quality Guidelines for School Age Childcare Services last week. The Guidelines describe the features of good quality practice in childcare services for school-age children, including both after-school and holiday childcare services.
Dr. Paul Downes, Associate Professor of Education (Psychology), Director of the Educational Disadvantage Centre in DCU's Institute of Education is a member of the National Working Group involving the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the Department of Education and Skills that has been responsible for the development of these National Quality Guidelines between 2017 and 2020.
Development of these Guidelines involved consultation with more than 1,000 stakeholders nationally. They will inform practice, training and professional development, as well as legal regulations for the sector.
The Guidelines are underpinned by key guiding principles such as Equality, diversity and non-discrimination, children's right to express their voice, to participation and to play and rest, a holistic approach to child development, recognising the diversity of needs of children and building on children’s strengths and abilities, while supporting the representation and participation of school age children from a diversity of backgrounds and active participation of all parents.