DCU academic appointed as President of Geographical Association
Dr Susan Pike, Assistant Professor in Geography Education at DCU’s Institute of Education, has been appointed President of the Geographical Association.
Susan was invited to take on this role in recognition for her work in DCU and across Ireland and the UK for Geography Education. Her work will include leading the organisation of the Association’s annual conference in 2021, which is one of the largest education conferences in the UK.
The Geographical Association is a vibrant and diverse subject association inspiring high-quality geographical teaching and learning. It has over a century of innovation behind it and an unrivalled understanding of geography teaching across 60 countries. The Association supports geography education by providing a specialist community of practice for teachers to share ideas with one another; through journals, publications, training courses, Annual Conference, Quality Marks, teaching resources, social media activity and a variety of network activities. It also represents the views of geography teachers and demonstrates the value of geographical education more widely.
Susan is a member of the GA's Early Years and Primary Phase Committee and also of the Geography Education Research Collective (GEReCo). She sits on the editorial board of the journal of International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education (IRGEE) and has contributed to the GA’s Leading Primary Geography and is the author of Learning Primary Geography: Ideas and Inspirations from Practice. In 2016 she also received the Geographical Association Award for Excellence.