
Celebrating the extraordinary elements of ordinary lives

Collection of stories gathered on International Women's Day 2020 with contributions from DCU staff, students and participants in Age-Friendly and Silver Thread activities

A collection of stories which celebrates the lives of women, past and present has been published online through a collaboration between DCU’s Age-Friendly University and Silver Thread, an organisation which specialises in helping older people share their stories through life-writing and storytelling workshops and classes.

Ordinary Lives: Extraordinary Women highlights the lives of women, past and present and pays tribute to their hard-work, determination, intelligence, spirit and strength of character. 

The collection of deeply personal stories are written by staff and students of DCU and participants of Age-Friendly and Silver Thread activities. 

A series of workshops culminated in an event to mark International Women's Day (March 8 2020) at DCU with an opening address from Mairead Hayes, CEO of the Irish Senior Citizens Parliament.

The e-book contains a foreword by Former Minister for Justice Nora Owen who described the collection of essays as "moving tributes to many terrific women from all walks of life. They bear witness to the influence these women have had on our own lives, sometimes without us fully realising this.”

Speaking on the publication of Ordinary Lives: Extraordinary Women, Christine O’Kelly, Age-Friendly University Network Global Coordinator said,


“We were keen to provide a platform which recognises the contribution ordinary women make to the social capital of their communities. It was a great privilege to hear those stories brought to life and reinforced by the photos and of course many thanks to those who shared their precious memories and stories so generously.”


Dr Cathy Fowley, Silver Thread said, 

“These stories highlight the quiet determination and resilience of women who came before us, and the care and love with which they are told show the importance of  passing on this legacy, sharing memories and photographs with generations to come.”

Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Women is available to read here 

To order a hardback copy contact grainne.reddy@dcu.ie 

Cover image- Molly Bryan