Call for Papers

Call for Papers: Annual Irish Association for Asian Studies Conference

The deadline for submission of abstract for the first Annual Conference of the Irish Association for Asian Studies is 5th March 2016.


Contributors are invited to submit papers around the theme of Commemoration, including topics such as, but not limited to, following:

- Disasters, survivors and rebuilding societies

- Conflicts and migrations - Fight for equality in gender and sexuality in Asia Personal vs social commemoration

- Literature, art and cinema

- Education

- Philosophy, ideology and religion

- Connecting people and culture  

- Translating loss Sharing emotions in the digital world

- Enabling commemoration – media, translation and technology

- Commemoration and appreciation – tribute and fandom


The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 5th 2016. Notification of acceptance will be made in mid-March. Abstracts must be no longer than one A4 page. Only the first page of any abstract submitted will be considered – no appendices or pages for references can be accepted.

Submission must be done through the website IAAS 2016

Further information is available from here