Representatives from Dublin City University, University of Southampton, Indian Institute of Technology Madras and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi at the 2012 Photonic International Confernece in Madras, India

EU funds young EU-India physics researchers

DCU is delighted to announce the launch of an EU-funded researcher exchange programme between Ireland, the UK and India in a specialist area of physics for early stage researchers.

Building on existing research collaborations, DCU is coordinating a four-year project with the Optoelectronic Research Centre at the University of Southampton, UK, the Indian Institute of Technology Madras and Indian Institute of Technology Dehli, India.

This project will establish an EU-India research and education programme designed to reinforce scientific and technological excellence in high speed and ultrafast photonic interactions and processes in systems from atomic ensembles to devices.

It is primarily focused at supporting exchanges of early stage researchers and young postdoctoral researchers between the partners.

The fund of €306,000 was awarded by IRSES (International Research Staff Exchange Scheme), a Marie Curie action under the EU Framework Programme.

The project will address the design and characterisation of non-linear optical media, the generation and application ultrashort pulses from the IR to the XUV, and their use in areas as diverse as telecommunications, fundamental atomic and molecular photoprocesses, lensless imaging, dynamics of nanostructured optical systems and laser-analytical sciences.

The official launch and first meeting of the ad-hoc Project Management Board was held in the Indian Institute of Technology Madras on in December 2012 with participation from all the partners.

The launch coincided with the Photonics 2012 International Conference at IITM where UP-PI Principal Investigator Prof. Liam Barry of DCU gave an invited talk entitled “Generation and characterisation of optical frequency combs for future photonic systems”. 

Pictured at the conference and launch from left to right are: Prof. John T. Costello (DCU), Dr. Paddy Hayden (DCU), Dr. Mohammad Belal (U. Southampton), Dr. Anil Prabhakar (IITM), Dr. Deepa Ventikesh (IITM), Prof. Krishna Thyagarajan (IITD), Dr. Satheesh Krishnamurthy (Open Univ., UK), Dr. Pascal Landais (DCU) and Ms. Samantha Fahy (DCU).

The following Principal Investigators are participating:

Dublin City University

Optoelectronic Research Centre, University of Southampton

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Indian Institute of Technology Dehli