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Teaching Enhancement Unit


MoodleMunch is a community of practice centred around Moodle and related digital learning tools, led by Dublin City University. It aims to share good digital learning and teaching practice, foster connections and relationships between institutions and organisations which use Moodle and related tools, and act as a form of professional development for educators.
Dublin City University, National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Dublin City University and National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

MoodleMunch is a community of practice centred around Moodle and related digital learning tools. The community comes together in monthly lunchtime webinar series, led by Dublin City University and supported by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. 

Members share knowledge, good practice and innovations from their own institutions. It provides is an opportunity to learn from one another, get a flavour of Moodle activity taking place across various regions, chew the fat, digest interesting developments and munch on ideas!

In keeping with Moodle’s mission to empower educators, each webinar explores Moodle innovations and stories that support the development of educators’ competencies on the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu).

The community is facilitated by Rob Lowney (rob.lowney@dcu.ie) - reach out if you have any questions!

Sign up to our mailing list to be notified of upcoming community events


Series 5: February-May 2025

Webinar 02

Tuesday 25 March 2025, 13:00-14:00 (Dublin/Europe)

In this webinar, Dublin City University (DCU) and the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) will deliver presentations:

  1. DCU will share a scaffolded and gamified approach to supporting new students to develop academic skills to succeed in their studies (DigCompEdu competence 3.1 ‘Teaching’)
  2. The GAA will share how they use Moodle to provide targeted learning for different cohorts (coaches, players, parents, etc.) across the country (DigCompEdu competence 3.1 ‘Teaching’)

Register to attend this webinar on Zoom

Webinar 03

Tuesday 29 April 2025, 13:00-14:00 (Dublin/Europe)

In this webinar, Dublin City University (DCU) and A6 Training will deliver presentations:

  1. DCU will share their experiences and insights of using a Moodle tool for students to rate each other’s performance in groupwork scenario, catering for individual contributions to a group output, and giving opportunities to voice issues with group dynamics a scaffolded and gamified approach to supporting new students to develop academic skills to succeed in their studies (DigCompEdu competence 3.3 ‘Collaborative learning’)
  2. A6 Training will share experiences of personalising the learning experience for students through the use of Moodle filter code and Generico filters (DigCompEdu competence 5.4 ‘Differentiation and personalisation’)

Register to attend this webinar on Zoom

Webinar 04

Tuesday 27 May 2025, 13:00-14:00 (Dublin/Europe)

In this webinar, Dublin City University (DCU) and another speaker will deliver presentations:

  1. DCU will share their experiences and insights of using the Moodle Lesson activity to provide personalised learning for large cohorts of students (DigCompEdu competence 5.4 ‘Differentiation and personalisation’)
  2. Second presenter to be confirmed.

Register to attend this webinar on Zoom

Access recordings from previous webinars below.


Tuesday 25 February 2025

In this webinar, Dublin City University (DCU) and Maynooth University (MU) delivered presentations:

  1. DCU shared experiences and insights of using a generative artificial intelligence (genAI) tool to directly create quiz questions in Moodle courses (DigCompEdu competence 4.1 'Assessment strategies') - download presentation slides as PDF file below
  2. MU shared experiences and insights of using genAI tools to create assets to aid Moodle course experience and navigation for learners (DigCompEdu competence 3.2 ‘Guidance’)

Tuesday 17 January 2023

In this webinar, Dublin City University and AHEAD/National Forum delivered presentations:

  1. DCU shared practical guidance around embedding Universal Design for Learning (UDL) practices using Moodle tools and plugins (DigCompEdu Area 5 ‘Empowering Learners)
  2. AHEAD and the National Forum for Teaching and Learning will shared insights in using Moodle to facilitate a massive open online course (MOOC) leading to the awarding of a UDL digital badge (DigCompEdu competence 3.1 ‘Teaching’)
  • Presentation 01 Slides: Download file 'One Small Thing- A few tips to consider to embed universal design for learning in Moodle' below
  • Presentation 02 Slides: Download file 'National Forum and AHEAD UDL Badge Course with Moodle' below

Tuesday 14 February 2023

In this webinar, Dublin City University and the Irish College of General Practitioners delivered presentations:

  1. DCU presented on its hybrid university transitions programme for all new students and how Moodle underpins it (DigCompEdu competence 3.2 ‘Guidance’)
  2. 2. ICGP shared its story of embarking on a blended learning curriculum development journey, with Moodle at its core to support national and regional learners (DigCompEdu Area 3 ‘Teaching and Learning’)
  • Presentation 01 Slides: Download file 'DCU's Discover Programme: A hybrid approach to supporting transitions with Moodle' below
  • Presentation 02 Slides: Download file 'Making Moodle work in post graduate medical training' below

Tuesday 14 March 2023

In this webinar, Dublin City University and Ilia State University, Georgia delivered presentations:

  1. DCU presented on how it uses Moodle to support a graduate mentorship programme involving internal and external users, drawing on the flexible Database activity (DigCompEdu competence 3.3 'Collaborative learning')
  2. Ilia State presented on its approach to using the Moodle assignment activity and rubric to facilitate student peer review (DigCompEdu competence 4.1 'Assessment strategies')
  • Presentation 01 Slides: Download file 'Using the Moodle Database activity to support a graduate mentorship programme' below
  • Presentation 02 Slides: Download file 'Peer review with rubrics in Moodle Assignment' below

Tuesday 18 April 2023

In this webinar, Maynooth University and Atlantic Technological University delivered presentations:

  1. MU presented on its experiences of using the quiz tool STACK within Moodle to support mathematical assessment (DigCompEdu competence 4.1 'Assessment strategies')
  2. ATU will presented on its approach to designing and developing short courses with subject matter experts and developing their capacity (DigCompEdu Area 2 ‘Digital resources’ and Area 3 ‘Teaching and Learning’)
  • Presentation 01 slides: Download file 'Using STACK for mathematics assessment with Moodle' below
  • Presentation 02 slides: Download file 'Approaching staff capacity for digital teaching with Moodle and related technologies' below 

Tuesday 5 October 2021

In this webinar, Dublin City University delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented on playful approaches to CPD with Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 1.4 'Digital CPD')
  2. DCU presented on gamification options within core Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 5.3 'Actively Engaging Learners')
  • Presentation 01 slides: Download file 'Playful approaches to CPD with Moodle' below
  • Escape room narrative available for download below
  • Presentation 02 slides: Download file 'Gamification options in Moodle' below 

Tuesday 2 November 2021

In this webinar, Dublin City University and Galway Mayo Institute of Technology delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented on different approaches to supporting peer assessment activities with students using Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 4.1 'Assessment strategies')
  2. GMIT presented on its learning analytics initiative which draws data from Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 4.2 'Analysing evidence')
  • Presentation 01 Slides: Download file 'Peer assessment approaches with Moodle' below
  • Presentation 02 Slides: Download file 'Learning analytics approaches with Moodle' below

Tuesday 7 December 2021

This is a recording of a MoodleMunch webinar held on 7 December 2021. In this webinar, Dublin City University and Solent University delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented on how it aligns learning design processes and Moodle to support module development and student engagement (DigCompEdu competence 3.1 'Teaching')
  2. Solent University presented on its use of assessment plugins to streamline and enhance assessment and feedback processes (DigCompEdu competence 4.1 'Analysing evidence')
  • Presentation 01 slides: Download file 'Learning design approaches with Moodle' below
  • Presentation 02 slides: Download file 'Streamline assessment with Moodle' below

Tuesday 1 February 2022

This is a recording of a MoodleMunch webinar held on 1 February. In this webinar, Dublin City University and City of Dublin Education and Training Board delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented on the experiences of using Moodle Board activity to foster collaborative learning (DigCompEdu competence 3.3 'Collaborative learning')
  2. CDETB presented on reimagining Moodle; improving quality, productivity, and morale among their staff (DigCompEdu Area 1 'Professional engagement')
  • Presentation 01 slides: Download file 'Initial experiences of using Moodle' below
  • Presentation 02 slides: Download file 'Reimagining Moodle' below

Tuesday 1 March 2022

This is a recording of a MoodleMunch webinar held on 1 February. In this webinar, Dublin City University and Cambridge Assessment International Education delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented on its range of approaches, from simple to comprehensive, to support universal design and inclusion with Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 5.1 'Accessibility and inclusion')
  2. Cambridge Assessment International Education presented on its journey with H5P and Moodle and insights gained (DigCompEdu competence 2.3 'Creating digital resources')
  • Presentation 01 slides: Download file 'Improving accessible and inclusive teaching and learning practices in online, undergraduate modules' below 

Tuesday 3 November 2020

In this webinar, Dublin City University and Technological University Dublin delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented a project to support students developing reflective and digital skills using H5P and Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 6.3 ‘Digital content creation’).
  2. TU Dublin presented its suite of plugins to support teachers in creating content for Moodle using, among other things, Microsoft Word (DigCompEdu competence 2.2 ‘Creating and modifying digital resources’).
  • Presentation 01 slides: Download file 'Increasing student agency' below
  • Presentation 02 slides: Download file 'Integrating Moodle and Word' below

Tuesday 1 December 2020

In this webinar, Dublin City University and Marino Institute of Education delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented an initiative to guide students in developing library and academic writing skills using H5P and Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 3.2 ‘Guidance’).
  2. Marino Institute of Education presented its use of podcasts and Moodle to give students flexibility in engaging with content (DigCompEdu competence 2.3 ‘Managing, protecting and sharing digital resources’).

Tuesday 12 January 2021

In this webinar, Dublin City University and University of Gloucestershire delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented its use of gamification within Moodle to enhance student engagement (DigCompEdu competence 5.3 ‘Actively engaging learners’).
  2. University of Gloucestershire presented its project to move all institution assessments and grading to Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 4.1 ‘Assessment strategies’).
  • Presentation 01 slides: Download file 'Student engagement and gamification' below
  • Presentation 02 slides: Download file 'Enhancing the electronic management of assessment' below 

Tuesday 16 February 2021

In this webinar, Dublin City University and Mayo Sligo Leitrim ETB delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented the application of a toolkit for Universal Design for Learning in Moodle courses (DigCompEdu competence 5.1 ‘Accessibility and inclusion’).
  2. Mayo Sligo Leitrim ETB presented its integrated use of Office 365, Microsoft Teams and Moodle to support learning (DigCompEdu competence 3.3. ‘Collaborative learning’).
  • Presentation 01 slides: Download file 'UDL principles in practice: Reflections on a UDL Moodle toolkit approach' below 
  • Presentation 02 slides: Download file 'Office 365, Microsoft Teams and Moodle to Support Learners in Working-Learning Together' below 

Tuesday 9 March 2021 - The MoodleMunch Buffet

Develop digital competences

This bumper webinar was part of the National Forum Seminar Series and comprised several different presentations.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

In this webinar, Dublin City University and Maynooth University delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented its Moodle reports that educators use to gain insight into teaching, learning and assessment practices (DigCompEdu competence 4.2 ‘Analysing evidence’).
  2. Maynooth presented on using H5P and Moodle to develop educators’ competences in DigCompEdu 2.2 ‘Creating and modifying digital resources’.
  • Presentation 01 Slides: Download file 'Moodle reports to inform practice' below  
  • Presentation 02 Slides: Download file 'Developing DigCompEdu competences using Moodle H5P interactive video' below

Tuesday 12 May 2020

In this webinar, Dublin City University and Hibernia College delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented its approach to Universal Design for Learning with Moodle, through the use of plugins and a defined course template for the entire university (DigCompEdu competence 5.1 ‘Accessibility and inclusion’).
  2. Hibernia College presented its innovative approach to teaching online with Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 3.1 ‘Teaching’).
  • Presentation 01 Slides: Download file 'UDL Toolkit for Moodle' below
  • Presentation 02 Slides: Download file 'Moodle: part of digital architecture for T&L' below

Tuesday 2 June 2020

In this webinar, Dublin City University and Dublin Business School delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented its Moodle integration with the video service Unicam, which allows students to express themselves in video format for learning and assessment activities (DigCompEdu competence 6.3 ‘Digital content creation’).
  2. Dublin Business School presented its integrated system to capture, organise and share recorded lectures and related resources with its learners (DigCompEdu competence 2.3 ‘Managing, protecting and sharing digital resources’).
  • Presentation 01 Slides: Download file 'Managing video assignments on Moodle' below
  • Presentation 02 Slides: Download file 'Managing online content' below

Tuesday 23 June 2020

In this webinar, Dublin City University and Marino Institute of Education delivered presentations.

  1. DCU presented its approach to supporting and orienting students with its ‘Discover DCU’ courses, hosted on Moodle.
  2. Marino Institute of Education presented its work with H5P and Moodle to provide just-in-time formative feedback for its students.

Both presentations relate to DigCompEdu competence 3.2 ‘Guidance’.

  • Presentation 01 Slides:Download file 'Discover DCU' below 
  • Presentation 02 Slides:Download file 'The ABCs of H5P and Me' below 
Discover DCU18.04 MB

The MoodleMunch community and its work has been disseminated in the following ways:

Lowney, R. (2021) Supporting educators’ digital competence development through a community initiative. [Oral Presentation], MountainMoot, Online

Lowney, R. (2020) The Story of MoodleMunch. [Oral Presentation], MoodleMoot US, Online.  

Lowney, R. (2020) MoodleMunch: A Lunchtime Webinar Series Showcasing Digital Teaching and Learning Practice. Digital Learning Dispatches. National Institute for Digital Learning, Ireland.