The Virtual Well Prototype - Feedback Survey

The Virtual Well Prototype - Feedback Survey

Plain Language Statement

Dr. Cora O’Farrell, Director of the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education and Dr. Bernadette Sweetman, post-doctoral researcher at the Centre are conducting this study called The Virtual Well Prototype Feedback Survey.

What is this research about?

The research team plans to create a unique and innovative digital environment available online via computer, smart device and VR headsets called The Virtual Well.  The overall aim of this project will be to create an invitational space for users to come, wonder and discover experiences of religious education and faith development that is rooted in Catholic education and welcome to all faiths and none. 

This Virtual Well Prototype Feedback Survey is the first step in obtaining feedback on work carried out to date on building a prototype that gives a flavour of what the overall potential project might look like. 

Why is this research being conducted?

The research team seeks feedback on the prototype created so far in order to check if it is user-friendly, of relevance to staff and students at the IoE as well as others beyond the DCU environment and to learn what respondents might suggest as future avenues for development.  This feedback would be used to create stronger applications for funding in order to continue and refine the overall Virtual Well project.


Why have you been invited to take part?

You are invited to participate in this research study because you may be able to help the research team evaluate the prototype of their project from your perspective on education. You are not obliged to participate.  This survey is anonymous and data will be restricted to the research team only.


What will happen if you decide to take part in this research study?

If you decide to participate in this study, you will be asked to view a 1.5 minute promotional video and the webpage, from where you will navigate through links, looking at some audio and visual content.  You can take your own time exploring this environment.  We estimate that a minimum of 10 minutes will be needed if you wish to explore the entire prototype.

Afterwards you will be invited to complete a survey based on your experience of the prototype.  This will be mostly tick the box / tick all that apply / rating on a scale items and you will have the opportunity to add your own comments if you wish.  The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

How will your data be used?

You will not be asked for your name or email address.  In terms of personal data, if you are connected to DCU, you will be invited to indicate if you are staff or a student; which School you are part of; and / or which degrees you are involved in but this will be optional.  Your data will be stored under encryption and accessible only to the research team.  Your data confidentiality is protected subject to legal limitations.   Summary findings from this study will be generated and used by the research team to apply for funding for development of the overall project.  Data will be destroyed after a period of 12 months. 

The initial questions of the survey will invite you to indicate that you have read this plain language statement, and if you wish to participate.  You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. This project has full ethical approval from DCU Research Ethics Committee. 

For any questions on this study, the contact details of the research team are: and 

The DCU Data Protection Officer – Mr. Martin Ward (  Ph.: 7005118 / 7008257) will handle any data protection concerns and you have the right to lodge a complaint concerning the use of personal data with the Irish Data Protection Commission.

You can access The Virtual Well at

Please ensure that you have read and understand the information provided in this plain language statement, have taken some time to browse through The Virtual Well site and then complete the survey.   Thank you. 

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