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School of Mathematical Sciences


The Semi-Classical Einstein Equation: 
Numerical and Analytical Challenges

All Hallows Campus, Dublin City University, 12-13 Sept 2019

All Hallows Campus, DCU

About the Conference

Einstein's Equation is the corner stone of General Relativity, but in the presence of quantum matter it must be modified to make sense. Although the description of gravity as a quantum phenomenon remains very problematic, there is a wide consensus that any theory of quantum gravity should admit a semi-classical limit, where the dynamics is described by the Semi-Classical Einstein Equation (SCEE). Unfortunately this equation is fraught with mathematical difficulties and even the most basic questions about the existence and uniqueness of solutions are difficult to answer, let alone what those solutions might look like.

Nevertheless, there are reasons for optimism. Recent developments in numerical relativity and in the analysis of quantum fields in curved spacetimes provide an increasingly strong grasp on the regularisation and renormalization that is required in these situations. The novel methods developed there could also shed new light on the challenges of the Semi-Classical Einstein Equation.

The purpose of this two-day meeting is to bring together experts in relevant numerical and analytical methods, in order to discuss the state of the art and future prospects for solving the Semi-Classical Einstein Equation. A public lecture will showcase the science and/or fiction of topics closely related to the theme of the meeting.

The meeting will be hosted by the School of Mathematical Sciences and the Centre for Astrophysics and Relativity (CfAR) at Dublin City University. The meeting will take place on 12 and 13 September 2019 and will consist of two days of talks along with a public lecture.

To register for the scientific meeting, please follow this link. There is no registration fee and all are welcome, but registration is essential for catering purposes.

There will be a special public lecture by Prof. Chris Fewster, a leading expert in quantum field theories in curved spacetimes and some of their unusual features which are theoretically related to warp drives, time-machines and wormholes. The public lecture will be held on Thursday 12 September 2019. The event is free to attend, but requires registration. This event is suitable for a general audience interested in Theoretical Physics.

Key Dates

  • 10 September 2019 Registration deadline
  • 12 September 2019 Public lecture
  • 12-13 September 2019 Conference talks

Supported By

This conference is supported by the Irish Research Council.