Science week - primary school pupils working on maths

MathsQuest Science Week event

The School of Mathematical Sciences was delighted to welcome over 150 local primary school pupils into the Glasnevin campus to take part in MathsQuest: Ready, Steady, Solve! 

The event was run as part of the Science Week programme of events offered by the Faculty of Science and Health, and sponsored by SFI. It was designed by Dr. Eabhnat NĂ­ Fhloinn, Director of DCU Maths Learning Centre, and staffed by a number of tutors from DCU's Physical Education and Maths, and Science Education programmes.

Pupils worked in teams to solve a range of mathematical challenges, involving dice, dominoes, tangrams, cubes, logic puzzles and more. It was great to see so many mathematical thinkers in one room and we look forward to welcoming them back again in the future!