IMS September Meeting 2020

Irish Mathematical Society
The 33rd annual meeting of the Irish Mathematical Society will be hosted online by Dublin City University, taking place on Wednesday 13th - Friday 15th January 2021.
The meeting will consist of a mixture of 30 min and 50 min talks on a wide variety of mathematical topics. There will be three sessions of four talks each, taking place on the afternoons of Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th January, and on the morning of Friday 15th January. A number of the talks are linked by the theme of epidemiological and environmental modelling.
In the absence of an opportunity to hold a poster session to highlight the work of research students, this year’s meeting will feature a competition for PhD and research MSc students. We invite students to submit a short video-recorded presentation on their research. See below for details. We would like to ask colleagues to encourage their own students, and students in their department, to submit an entry to the competition. The recordings will be made available to all conference participants.
For any queries, please email the organisers at maths@dcu.ie. We look forward to meeting you online in January.
Brien Nolan
Niamh O’Sullivan
To register for the 2020 Irish Mathematical September Meeting, please follow this link to the registration form.
The meeting will be held on Zoom. Relevant links will be sent to registered participants in advance of the meeting.
Wednesday, 13th January
Zoom link for Wednesday session, please click here.
1.45pm |
Opening Comments |
2.00pm |
Robert Heffernan |
Cayley's theorem revisited: embeddings of small finite groups [Link to slides] |
2.40pm |
Rossen Ivanov |
TU Dublin |
Mathematical models for internal ocean waves interacting with currents [Link to slides] |
Break |
3.40pm |
James Gleeson |
UL |
4.20pm |
Arundhathi Krishnan |
University of Waterloo/UCC |
Thursday, 14th January
Zoom link for Thursday session, please click here.
1.30pm |
Paul Razafimandimby |
2.10pm |
Áine Byrne |
Elimination versus mitigation: what’s the optimal strategy for controlling COVID-19? [Link to slides] |
Break |
3.10pm |
Niamh Cahill |
MU |
A Bayesian statistical model for reconstructing and analysing former sea levels [Link to slides] |
3.50pm |
Deirdre Hollingsworth |
Oxford |
Friday, 15th January
Zoom link for Friday session, please click here.
9.30am |
Merrilyn Goos |
UL |
Meeting the challenge of teaching mathematics 'out of field': The Professional Diploma in Mathematics for Teaching [Link to slides] |
10.10am |
Angela Carnevale |
Break |
11.10am |
Clifford Gilmore |
11.50am |
Martin Mathieu |
12.30pm |
Closing remarks; award for best student contribution |
Research Student Presentations
We are pleased to share with you the entries received for our research student competition. A panel of judges will select a winner and runner-up from among these, with the results to be announced at the end of the last session of the meeting on Friday (c. 12.30pm). Please click on the hyperlinked titles to view the presentations. Our thanks to all entrants.
Giuseppe Cotardo (UCD)
Tensor Decomposition in Coding Theory
Guillermo Coboszara (IT Tralee/MTU)
Jason Curran (University of Limerick)
Diffuse Optical Tomography (follow link and play in drive folder)
Fearghus Downes (IT Sligo)
Hamalys Akyamba | TU Dublin |
Hassan Alkhayuon | University College Cork |
Sultan Alzahrani | NUI Galway |
Stefan Bechtluft-Sachs | Maynooth University |
Ramya Bhat | Dublin City University |
Jacquie Birkett | Maynooth University |
Christopher Boyd | University College Dublin |
Malcolm Brady |
Dublin City University |
Olivia Bree | St Patrick's Drumcondra - retired |
Sinéad Breen | Dublin City University |
Jeremiah Buckley | King's College London |
Mark Burke | University of Limerick |
Miguel David Bustamante | University College Dublin |
John Butler | TU Dublin |
Angela Carnevale | NUI Galway |
Tom Carroll | University College Cork |
Enda Carroll | University College Dublin |
Leo Creedon | Institute of Technology Sligo |
Giuseppe Cotardo | University College Dublin |
Anthony Cronin | University College Dublin |
Julie Crowley | Cork Institute of Technology |
Jason Curran | University of Limerick |
Edward Donlon | TU Dublin |
Fearghus Downes | Institute of Technology Sligo |
Tim Downing | Dublin City University |
Ivo Düntsch | Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, Chine, and Brock University, St Catharines, Canada |
Ronan Flatley | Mary Immaculate College Limerick |
Timothy Foley | Open University |
Romina Gaburro | University of Limerick |
Eugene Gath | University of Limerick |
Clifford Gilmore | University College Cork |
James Gleeson | University of Limerick |
David Goulding | Cork Institute of Technology |
Jim Grannell | University College Cork |
Bernard Hanzon | University College Cork |
Cian Hayes | Maynooth University |
David Henry | University College Cork |
Russell Higgs | University College Dublin |
Philipp Hoevel | University College Cork |
Deirdre Hollingsworth | University of Oxford |
Daniel Horrigan | Dublin City University |
Fionnán Howard | Dublin City University |
Thomas Huettemann | Queen's University Belfast |
Rory Humphries | University College Cork |
Ted Hurley | NUI Galway |
Tandeep Kaur | Dublin City University |
Andrew Keane | University College Cork |
Cónall Kelly | University College Cork |
Derek Kitson | Mary Immaculate College Limerick |
Claus Koestler | University College Cork |
Natalia Kopteva | University of Limerick |
Bernd Kreussler | Mary Immaculate College Limerick |
Arundhathi Krishnan | University of Waterloo |
Gordon Lessells | formerly University of Limerick |
Rupert Levene | University College Dublin |
Peter Lynch | University College Dublin |
Tony Lyons | Waterford Institute of Technology |
Dana Mackey | TU Dublin |
Michael Mackey | University College Dublin |
Niall Madden | NUI Galway |
David Malone | Maynooth University |
Myrto Manolaki | University College Dublin |
Konstantinos Maronikolakis | University College Dublin |
Martin Mathieu | Queen's University Belfast |
Marion McAfee | Institute of Technology Sligo |
J.P. McCarthy | MTU, Bishopstown |
Aisling McCluskey | NUI Galway |
Malgorzata McEvoy | Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, PAS, Olsztyn, Poland |
Eilish McLoughlin | Dublin City University |
Cillian McLoughlin | Maynooth University |
Maria Meehan | University College Dublin |
Pauline Mellon | University College Dublin |
John Miller | Trinity College Dublin |
Clifford Nolan | University of Limerick |
Anthony G. O'Farrell | Maynooth University |
Elizabeth Oldham | Trinity College Dublin |
Maurice O'Reilly | Dublin City University |
Cathal Ormond | Trinity College Dublin |
Shane O'Rourke | Munster Technological University (formerly CIT) |
Ann O'Shea | Maynooth University |
Ciarán O'Sullivan | TU Dublin |
Koushik Paul | NUI Galway |
Götz Pfeiffer | NUI Galway |
Kirsten Pfeiffer | NUI Galway |
Satya Prakash | Dublin City University |
Rachel Quinlan | NUI Galway |
David Reynolds | Dublin City University |
Michael Rosbotham | Queen's University Belfast |
Tobias Rossmann | NUI Galway |
Victoria Sánchez Muñoz | NUI Galway |
Ashley Sheil | Maynooth University |
Stefan Sint | Trinity College Dublin |
Helena Smigoc | University College Dublin |
Nina Snigireva | University College Dublin |
Anthony Staines | Dublin City University |
Maria Teider | University College Cork |
Michael Tuite | NUI Galway |
Paul van Kampen | Dublin City University |
Sebastian Wieczorek | University College Cork |
Stephen Wills | University College Cork |
The Irish Mathematical Society is seeking new members. If you work/study in mathematics/applied mathematics/mathematics education or any cognate discipline as a staff member/student/Phd student/Post doctoral researcher and are not already a member, then the Irish Mathematical Society eagerly encourages you to apply for membership.
The Irish Mathematical Society was founded in 1976, runs an annual conference and publishes a twice yearly Bulletin. For more information on the society, past conferences and the Bulletin please see http://irishmathsoc.org/.
Membership is easy to apply for - just mail our Treasurer, Dr Cónall Kelly, at conall.kelly@ucc.ie. Membership is €30 for ordinary membership, €15 for student membership, see http://irishmathsoc.org/index.php?file=apply.
Next approval of new membership applications will take place at our upcoming committee meeting in December, so apply soon to make that deadline.
The Irish Mathematical Society looks forward to hearing from you.