Spiritual Communion
An Act of Spiritual Communion and Commitment
Dear Jesus,
I believe You are always near me,
present most particularly in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
I love You above all things and desire to receive You ‘under my roof’.
Present to You, as You explain the scriptures and break the bread,
knowing I cannot receive You sacramentally,
come now spiritually into my welcoming heart.
I embrace You already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Thank you for the gift of your presence.
Accompany me on my journey.
Heal in me whatever needs healing.
Fill me with Your love and Your peace.
I commit myself to You and to all that I am learning from you.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
Support me, Lord Jesus, in bringing Your love with me wherever I go,
making myself available, with You, to those in need of renewal, hope and peace,
living in communion with You and with all those You give me,
You who are precious to me, and I to You,
‘My Lord and my God’,
for ever and ever.
Gareth Byrne,
April 2020.