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Holy Thursday at home

Jesus got up from the table, removed his outer garment and taking a towel, wrapped it around his waist; he then poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel he was wearing.’ (John 13: 4-5).

The washing of feet has become a central part of the Holy Thursday ceremony, but can you imagine someone else washing the dust of the road off your feet? Never might the team leader, the prophet, the Lord! But Jesus is a servant leader, the servant priest, prophet and king, who shares all he has to offer, his very body and blood, in the bread and wine of the Last Supper, and on the Cross on Good Friday, his life offered at the service of and for the salvation of the whole world.  

There will be no washing of feet at the Holy Thursday 2020 celebrations in parishes. The ceremonies will take place behind closed doors, but on the webcam, because of Covid-19. Maybe there is an opportunity, however, to join in the celebration from home and to deepen our appreciation of the symbolism involved.

Place a jug of water, a basin and a towel in a prominent place, as they will be in the church you are joining, and become aware as you listen to the Gospel reading of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, washing our feet, washing the feet of the vulnerable, the poor, the sick.

In these days we are seeing wonderful people on our screens giving extraordinary witness, washing not only the feet but the hands and the head of those in dire need, in hospitals, intensive care units, nursing homes, caring for them in every way.     

The call of Jesus is a call to service, service of God and service of our neighbour, especially those most in need. This is the life of the Christian: ‘Jesus says: I have given you an example so that you can copy what I have done for you.’ (John 13: 15).