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Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education
RTAI March 2020

RTAI Conference 2020

Well done to the Religion Teachers’ Association of Ireland (RTAI) executive and all those who joined a very successful annual conference at the Hodson Bay Hotel on Saturday 7 March 2020. This never fails to be a great day networking, getting great ideas, reassuring members of the value of all they do.

Fr. Bryan Shortall (@frbryanshortall) provided the keynote address, reflecting on his experience as a priest, and as a school and hospital chaplain. His personal warmth and commitment shone through.

The Junior Cycle RE Team (@jct_re) provided excellent resources for teaching to the new Junior Cycle Religious Education specification. It was interesting to see how teachers are getting to grips with creative ways of bringing lived religion alive in the classroom in an appropriate, hospitable, and affirming manner.

Stephen Farley introduced Trocaire’s educational development approach (@trocaire) to working with young people. Just how well the materials provided by Trocaire can fit with the new RE specification was a revelation.

Eoin Walsh (@eoinstweets) provided a lively seminar on using IT in the RE classroom providing an interactive moment that suited newbies as well as those already very conversant with IT methods.

It was good to see the support of many publishers in attending the event, introducing their new RE textbooks and other resources.

The AGM also took place which some additional members agreeing to join the executive. All in all it is an exciting time for the organisation with Junior Cycle RE helping everyone think again about what they hope to achieve with their pupils in the RE classroom and in the school. Congratulations to all involved.