Visit to Derry Diocesan Catechetical Centre
On 9th January 2020, Dr. Bernadette Sweetman, researcher at the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education visited the Derry Diocesan Catechetical Centre. A warm welcome was given to Dr. Sweetman, who is the post-doctoral researcher in Adult Religious Education and Faith Development at the MDCCE. The day comprised of various consultations with key personnel at the Derry Centre who have been working with parishes, youth, schools and the wider community for a number of years. The mission of the Centre is rooted in the Person of Christ, and the nourishing of a personal relationship with Christ for all.
The Derry Diocesan Catechetical Centre tries to bring people of every age into a closer relationship with Jesus in the Body of Christ. For this to happen in a dynamic way, the staff of the Centre are committed to the understanding that the family, the Catholic school and the parish community need to work in unity.
The Centre currently has six staff members who are supported by a volunteer team of over 50 people.
You can find out more about the Centre at their website www.catecheticalcentre.org or find them on Twitter @derrydiocese.
Photo: (l-r) Lizzie Rea (Youth Co-ordinator), Yvonne Rooney (Pastoral Youth Leader) Thérèse Ferry (Primary D.A.), Anne-Marie Hickey (Admin),Fr. Paul Farren, Director