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Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education
MDCCE Award Winners

MDCCE Award Winners

Congratulations to Shauna Kilroy and Shauna Kinsella winners of this year’s BEd Religious Studies awards.

Shauna Kilroy was presented with the Vincentian Award for the highest achievement on the Certificate of Religious Studies programme taken in conjunction with the Bachelor of Education (Primary). The presentation was made by Fr. Joseph McCann of the Vincentian Fathers who provided a similar award over the years in St. Patrick’s College. The Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education (MDCCE) was delighted to welcome back Fr. Joe to assist in making this a very special moment for Shauna and her family.

Congratulations also to Shauna Kinsella who won the Raymond Topley Award for top marks among those taking the Religious Studies Specialism on the Bachelor of Education. The presentation was made by Dr. Gareth Byrne and honours Raymond Topley a wonderful colleague whose contribution we are privileged to honour in this way. Shauna was joined by her family for the ceremony.

These award winners were among a number honoured at special events before and after the Institute of Education graduation ceremonies, presided over by the Deputy Dean of DCU Institute of Education, Prof. Padraig O’Duibhir. Many congratulations to all our winners and to the whole class as they begin their careers in teaching.