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Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education
Gareth Byrne, Sandra Cullen,Bernadette Sweetman and Kevin Williams

Launch of Religion and Education: The Voices of Young People in Ireland

Gareth Byrne, Director of MDCCE, and Leslie J. Francis, Director of WRERU at the University of Warwick are delighted to announce the publication of their latest volume.  The book was launched at the recent Network for Researchers in Catholic Education Annual Conference held in DCU on October 17th / 18th 2019.  This exciting publication reflects on important research conducted with young people in Ireland, North and South, illuminating their experience of religion and religious education. 

It presents the work of researchers from the Irish Centre for Religious Education and the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education at Dublin City University, undertaken in conjunction with the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit at the University of Warwick.  The contributing authors are Jeff Astley, Gareth Byrne, Sandra Cullen, Leslie J. Francis, Christopher Alan Lewis, Ursula McKenna, Andrew G. McGrady, Bernadette Sweetman and Kevin Williams

Recording and analysing the attitudes of 13 to 19-year-olds to religion, beliefs, values and diversity, these wide-ranging studies provide insight into the contexts within which religious education takes place in Ireland today, and how it can help young people address what is significant for them spiritually and morally.

Religion and Education: The Voices of Young People in Ireland is published by Veritas (rrp. €25) and the authors are grateful for their cooperation and generosity in making such important research so readily available.