
Religious Education, Teacher In-service

Dr. Gareth Byrne, Director of the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education, enjoyed contributing to a very stimulating conversation with 40 religious education teachers from Tuam and Ardagh & Clonmacnoise dioceses at the continuing professional development day offered by the Diocesan Advisors of those dioceses in Knock on September 26th 2018.

Dr Byrne in his input addressed the future of junior cycle religious education in his presentation: Where are we now with Junior Cycle RE?

As well as discussing briefly the current cultural, social religious context and the context provided by the Framework for Junior Cycle 2015, Dr. Byrne reported on research completed recently at MDCCE with 3,000 13- to 15-year-olds. The findings indicate very high percentages of young people supporting religious education as a subject and its positive contribution to society (85%) along with strong affirmation of the need for respect for people of all religions and none (84%). Dr. Byrne then introduced the consultation that was ongoing at the time of the gathering on the draft new specification for RE at junior cycle. A lively and productive discussion took place with great enthusiasm in the room for the new approach to a subject the teachers are clearly passionate about.

In the afternoon, Dr. Byrne facilitated a discussion about senior cycle religious education. The teachers were given an opportunity to work in small groups and then report to the whole group approaches and resources that had worked well for them with senior cycle RE students. Some very creative ideas emerged, with those present feeling very encouraged by hearing each other give witness to their own enthusiasm and that of their students .

At the end of the day the Diocesan Advisors provided a number of new resources for the teachers who went home with lots of new ideas to try in the classroom, their own and those provided for them. They were clear too that they would speak to their principals about the new specification and their desire to participate in the in-service that will be rolled out by the Department around the country in the coming months.

Many thanks and congratulations to Srs. Margaret, Mary and Colette.