John Sullivan Staff Workshop

MDCCE Staff Workshop

Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education held a staff seminar on Monday 22 Oct 2018. Professor John Sullivan, Emeritus Professor at Liverpool Hope University and Visiting Professor Newman University, Birmingham introduced his recently published reflections on The Christian Academic in Higher Education: The Consecration of Learning (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2018).

Lecturers in Religious Education, primary and post-primary were joined by Institute of Education colleagues from Geography and lifelong education as well as from the School of Theology, Philosophy and Music (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences), the Church of Ireland Centre and the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education itself. Members of the DCU Chaplaincy Team were also participated in what was recognised by those present as an important coming together of like-minded colleagues happy to be nourished by the conversation that Professor Sullivan initiated and then opened to the floor for discussion.

A very interesting sharing of views regarding the place, contribution and influence of the faith-life of the Christian academic in the University and in their work took place. The hope was expressed that more such events could be facilitated in the future.