Diocesan Mass 2018

Diocesan Education Mass 2018

The Annual Dublin Diocesan Mass for the Opening of the Academic Year was hosted again this year by the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education. Professor Brian McCraith welcomed Archbishop Martin and the assembled congregation to DCU St. Patrick’s Campus.

The Archbishop focused his homily on young people, pluralism and education. ‘There are many dimensions of today’s culture which are troubling and which do not lead towards human maturity’, he noted.  ‘How many young people today, for example, find themselves trapped in an emptiness like the seed that fell on rocky ground and enter into the complexities of life without grasping the depth of meaning and personal worth needed to attain maturity?  In many cases, such emptiness leads them along the disastrous path of addiction and even into feeling that their life is no longer worth living.’

Archbishop Martin indicated the importance of education in giving young people a sense of value, which for the Christian are rooted in Jesus Christ: ‘Education is about values and every society has to question itself about where it roots its values.  Many Irish people root their values in a particular way in the message and the person of Jesus Christ.  Others find their values in non-religious ideals.’

Acknowledging the plural reality of Irish society the Archbishops highlighted the need for full and open dialogue: ‘A pluralist society is not one of negative confrontation but must be one where there is open, honest, respectful and searching dialogue between different viewpoints in the quest for common purpose.’

While continuing to encourage a move away the dominance of the Catholic Church in the patronage of primary schools, the Archbishop asked too for an honest recognition of the contribution of the Church and its families to education:  ‘Removing the Catholic Church entirely from the realm of education would lead to an impoverishment of what pluralism means.  Religion gives believers an integrated vision of life that todays’ splintered society needs.’

Indicating some ways in which the Church could heighten its contribution to education, the Archbishop thanked all those involved in schools and in teacher education for all they are doing for young people.

The Mass was followed by a generous supper enjoyed by all. Congratulations to Mgr. Dan O’Connor, Fr. Damian McNeice, and the team from the Dublin Diocesan Education Office, for making this a memorable evening for all the participants.

To view the Archbishops Homily please click the link: http://www.dublindiocese.ie/diocesan-education-mass-2018/