Archbishop Diarmuid Martin

Archbishop’s Opening of Academic Year Mass

Archbishop’s Opening of Academic Year Mass


On Sept 25th 2017, Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education hosted, at DCU St. Patrick’s Campus, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin’s diocesan celebration for the Opening of the Academic Year. Generally referred to as the Teachers’ Mass, this celebration held at the beginning of each academic year brings together those in involved in Catholic education at primary, post-primary and third-level.


President of DCU, Professor Brian MacCraith, welcomed the Archbishop and all those in attendance, including representatives of the INTO, ASTI and TUI, CPSMA, JMB, AMCSS, Catholic Schools Partnership, Trustees and Patrons. The Archbishop had invited the choir from Ashford Parish to sing, and they made a great impression on all. Members of the DCU Chaplaincy team supported students who served at the altar, read, and acted as Ministers of the Eucharist. Pupils from the 6th Classes St. Patrick’s National Boys’ School had provided artwork in the chapel, highlighting the role of the Holy Spirit in their Confirmation year. They were joined by pupils from other local schools, primary and post-primary, and their teachers. School principals and members of boards of managements from schools around the Diocese, as well as members of the staff of DCU, were also present. There was a wonderful atmosphere with close to 400 participants, confirming the commitment of so many to Catholic education across the Diocese of Dublin.


In his homily, Archbishop Martin reflected on the contribution of Catholic education in a pluralist Ireland. ‘Catholic schools’ he said ‘have a non-renounceable Gospel imperative to be at the service of the poorest.’ Catholic education ‘is about a path of discovering what faith in Jesus Christ can bring as an additional qualitative dimension to education.’ The Catholic school in Ireland today, the Archbishop continued, ‘must be a bridge-builder’ contributing with others to finding ‘new bonds and partnerships to ensure that we have a common vision – and not an antagonistic one – of education in a pluralist nation.’ (For the full text see:


The Mass was followed by a reception sponsored by the Dublin Diocesan Education Secretariat. Mgr. Dan O’Connor emphasised the great sense of gratitude in the Diocese for all the work that goes on during the academic year. Many spoke about how the evening had been very helpful in making visible a renewed and contemporary enthusiasm for Catholic education in the Diocese. It also helped people to see how DCU, in preparing student teachers and chaplains for Catholic schools, can contribute to this commitment in the coming years.