Winner of St. Vincent de Paul Award

Top Marks in CRS

Congratulations to Gráinne Power who received the St. Vincent de Paul Award on Graduation Day, 2nd November 2017. The presentation of the award was made under the auspices of Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education, DCU Institute of Education, directly after the conferring ceremony. This award continues the tradition of honouring the student with the highest results in the Certificate of Religious Studies taken in association with the Bachelor of Education degree. The award was established in St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, by the Vincentian Congregation. We are delighted that the DCU Institute of Education is carrying on this tradition and wish Grainne every success in her career.

As it happens, Ms. Power is teaching, in her first year as a qualified teacher, at St. Patrick’s Boys National School on the grounds of the DCU St. Patrick’s Campus.  Gráinne was joined by her parents at the special ceremony at which she was presented with the award by Dr. Gareth Byrne, Associate Professor, Director of the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education and Chair of the Certificate of Religious Studies Programme Board.