Visit to Boston College
Catholic Education at Boston College

Visit to Boston College

The Director of the Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education, Dr. Gareth Byrne, made a very interesting visit to Boston College on Tuesday 11th October 2016. During the day he met first with Prof. Tom Groome, renowned for his contribution to Christian Religious Education. Dr. Byrne was welcomed at the Centre for 21st Century Catholicism which is led by Prof. Groome. Many of those who lecture in Religious Education in Ireland today have studied under Tom Groome who has often come back to Ireland to share his thoughts on the subject.

Dr. Byrne was hosted for the rest of the day by the Roche Centre for Catholic Education at Boston College. He had a very invigorating meeting with the Executive Director of the Centre, Dr. Patricia Weizel, and learned about the various initiatives there in support of Catholic Education – both in the Diocese of Boston and nationwide. He also met with Kristen Melley, Director of Professional Development at the Centre who is developing interesting CPD programmes for staff in Catholic schools.

All in all, this was a busy, engaging and stimulating day, which leaves the MDCCE Director reflecting on the possibilities for international engagement as a way of deepening the experience of Catholic Education from one country to another and from one continent to another. More about this along the way.