Promoting Equity in Literacy

Write to Read Initiative: Literacy in DEIS Primary Schools
To date Write to Read has worked in partnership with 20 DEIS schools to support them in narrowing the well-documented literacy achievement gap. Write to Read has provided customised professional development to the schools, along with the books and resources needed to help teachers develop their classrooms as places where children see themselves as readers, writers, thinkers, where they experience success and develop confidence in themselves and their literacy skills.

Kennedy, E. & Shiel, G. (2024). The teaching of writing in the Write to Read literacy framework in low-SES primary schools in Ireland. Reading & Writing, Special Issue: Teaching Writing, 37, 1575-1603. doi.org/10.1007/s11145-023-10510-7: https://rdcu.be/dylAw [Open Access]
Kennedy, E. & Shiel, G. (2022). Writing assessment for communities of writers: Rubric validation to support formative assessment of writing in PreK to grade 2. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 29 (2), 127-149, DOI: 10.1080/0969594X.2022.2047608
Kennedy, E. (2018). Engaging readers and writers in high-poverty contexts. Journal of Research in Reading, 41(4), pp.716-731
Kennedy, E. (2014). Raising literacy achievement in high-poverty schools: An evidence-based approach. Research in Education Series: Routledge, NY. https://www.routledge.com/Raising-Literacy-Achievement-in-High-Poverty-Schools-An-Evidence-Based/Kennedy/p/book/9781138286566