Law Research Centre

2017/2018 Seminars

Events - Academic Year 2017/2018


Seminar Series Autumn 2017


The Law Research Centre at the School of Law and Government, DCU, hosts a socio-legal research seminar series through each academic term. Generally, this is a presentation from a researcher whose work goes beyond black-letter law and considers broader social, political or economic factors bearing upon particular legal questions. The seminars tend to be open and interactive: those present are not expected to be expert or even necessarily engaged in the field of scholarship addressed by the scholar or scholars presenting at the seminar. The concern is with enhancing understandings of socio-legal research and methodologies, as much as with engaging in substantive questions. The idea is that socio-legal researchers in different fields and at different stages of their research careers can share their work and experiences.


Wednesday, 20 September 2017

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Giuseppe Nesi, University of Trento

Counterterrorism and the Use of Force: from the Preservation of international peace and Security to Self-Defense and Back


Wednesday, 27 September 2017

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Shai Dothan, University of Copenhagen

International Courts Improve Public Deliberation


Wednesday, 4 October 2017

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Dimitry Kochenov, University of Groningen

On Tiles and Pillars: EU Citizenship as a Federal Denominator


Wednesday, 11 October 2017

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Gábor Halmai, European University Institute

How the EU Can and Should Cope with Illiberal Member States?


Wednesday, 18 October 2017

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Randal Lesaffer, Tilburg University

Aggression Before Versailles


Wednesday, 25 October 2017

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Carlos Closa, Consejo Superior de Investigation Cientifica in Madrid

Troubled Membership: Secession and Withdrawal


Wednesday, 15 November 2017

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Christian Joerges, Hertie School of Governance in Berlin

Law & Politics in Europe's Crisis


Wednesday, 22 November 2017

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Kim Lane Scheppele, Woodrow Wilson School of Princeton University

Authoritarian Legalism


Wednesday, 27 November 2017

12:00-13:30, GLA.C206, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Sabino Cassese, Justice emeritus of the Constitutional Court of Italy



Seminar Series Spring 2018

The Law Research Centre at the School of Law and Government, DCU, hosts a socio-legal research seminar series through each academic term. Generally, this is a presentation from a researcher whose work goes beyond black-letter law and considers broader social, political or economic factors bearing upon particular legal questions. The seminars tend to be open and interactive: those present are not expected to be expert or even necessarily engaged in the field of scholarship addressed by the scholar or scholars presenting at the seminar. The concern is with enhancing understandings of socio-legal research and methodologies, as much as with engaging in substantive questions. The idea is that socio-legal researchers in different fields and at different stages of their research careers can share their work and experiences.


Wednesday, 31 January 2018

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Antje Wiener, University of Hamburg

Constitution and Contestation of Norms in Global International Relations


Wednesday, 7 February 2018

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Hans Micklitz, European University Institute

The Politics of Behavioral Economics of Law


Wednesday, 21 February 2018

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Dr. Chloe Briere, DCU Brexit Institute

The Needed Balance in EU Criminal Law: Past, Present and Future


Wednesday, 28 February 2018

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Judge Brian Burns, Rt Hon Judge of the Courts of the State of New York

Social Justice: Drug Treatment Courts instead of Incarceration


Wednesday, 7 March 2018

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Prof. Roger Brownsword, Bournemouth University


Wednesday, 28 March 2018

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Dr. Joris Larik, Leiden University


Wednesday, 11 April 2018

12:00-13:00, GLA.CG35, Henry Grattan building, Glasnevin

Judge Andras Sajo, Central European University

The Global Dimension of Democracy