Bunachar Sonraí & Bainistiú Acmhainní Digiteacha
Standalone Module
Mode of Delivery
On Campus (Face-to-face)
ECTS Credits
NFQ Level
Course Start Date
11 Weeks
€824 / Subsidised Cost €165
A limited number of places are available. Places will be offered on an ongoing basis until all courses are full.
Course Contact
Course Summary
Déanfaidh an mac léinn anailís ar cheisteanna maidir le fheidhmiúcháin bhunachar sonraí agus le bainistíocht theicneolaíocht na faisnéise i gcomhthéacsanna éagsúla. Déanfaidh an mac léinn comparáid idir slite éagsúla a ndéantar acmhainní digiteacha a bhainistiú.
Sealbhóidh an mac léinn an scil le ceisteanna criticiúla a chur maidir leis an úsáid a bhaintear as bunachar sonraí mar uirlis le heolas agus acmhainní digiteacha a bhainistiú.
Bunachar Sonraí & Bainistiú Acmhainní Digiteacha

- 100% on campus (face-to-face) delivery
- 100% continuous assessment
- Closing date for applications 23 August 2025
- HCI Pillar 3 Micro-credential Learner Fee Subsidy available to a fixed number of applicants
Please Note: Applicants may not apply to take more than 30 credits of micro-credentials.
Entry Requirements
Applicants should hold at least the equivalent of a 2.2 undergraduate degree in any discipline
When you apply, you will need to provide the following documents:
- A scanned copy of your passport
- Academic Transcripts for each and every year of study with English translation, if applicable
- If applicable, applicants must provide evidence of competence in the English language as per DCU entry requirements.
- For information on how to apply for this micro-credential, please visit our Application Guide
- Gaeilge - Due to the specialist nature of this programme, additional criteria may be used to assess suitability to undertake this programme
- Céim onóracha (H2.2) nó taithí ghairmiúil oiriúnach agus leibhéal sásúil i labhairt agus scríobh na Gaeilge. Glactar le cáilíochtaí agus le taithí ghairmiúil oiriúnach i gcúinsí áirithe in ionad bunchéime, faoi réir ag rialacha na hOllscoile. Ní gá réamhcháilíochtaí ríomhaireachta ná gnó.
- Honours degree (H2.2) or equivalent professional experience and a satisfactory level of fluency in Irish. In some circumstances appropriate professional experience and qualifications are accepted in lieu of a primary degree, subject to University regulations. Previous qualifications in business or computing are not required.