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INTRA Internships

INTRA Programme MSc Public Relations and Strategic Communications

Four students collaborating at a desk using a laptop
MSc Public Relations and Strategic Communications


This specialist Masters programme is designed to provide the skills and ability to think strategically and make effective use of the latest tools in modern communications. DCU’s Master of Sciences in Public Relations and Strategic Communications has been developed in consultation with the public relations industry, together with the advice of academics, in the UK, Europe and the United States. While it is aimed at students with a degree in a related discipline, such as communications or marketing, graduates from areas have also done well on the programme. The programme provides students with public relations theory and practice alongside an understanding of recent developments and challenges for the profession. These include the impact of the Internet and the growth of social media; the decline of traditional media; growing issues of corporate social responsibility influencing organisational reputation; and the increasing influence of other social science disciplines on Public Relations theory and practice.


  • To appreciate the strategic importance of public relations in the corporate, political and non-profit sectors.
  • To develop an understanding and critical reflection about the role and processes of public relations in organisations and society.
  • To engage with topics and issues about public relations, and demonstrate leadership and thoughtful reflection in discussions and group work.
  • To develop practical skills for PR planning and implementation alongside reflective skills and scholarship and understanding of the role and agendas which develop from PR as a strategic discipline.


Work Areas

Students on the Master of Sciences in Public Relations and Strategic Communications are able to work effectively at client executive, or similar, level in:

  • Public Relations    
  • Strategic Communications
  • Political Communications   
  • Communications Management
  • Brand Engagement 
  • Reputation Management
  • Community Management 
  • Sponsorship
  •  Corporate Responsibility Management


INTRA Internship

Students complete a three-month INTRA Internship from July onwards.


Course Modules

Academic Dissertation

Managing the Message

Effective messages must be targeted, focused and planned. This module equips students to identify, map and manage relevant stakeholders; to identify and use the most appropriate communication channels for their purpose; and to appreciate the most appropriate form and content for the messages employed.

Communication Management

Effective communication requires systematic planning, implementation and monitoring of all aspects of the communication process. This module enables students to develop and deliver communications plans; to manage internal and external communication using traditional and digital channels; and to develop a good working knowledge of the theories, practices and key issues underpinning effective communication management.

Contemporary Public Relations Issues

The practice of Public Relations evolves within a changing and challenging environment. Drawing on the expertise of current PR practitioners, this module considers issues of public relations practice illustrated through current Irish and international case studies.

 Research Methods

This module examines what it means to conduct research: including devising a research question, conducting a literature review,.individual research methods (and how they might work together) and academic writing skills.


Strategic Communication

In addition to its immediate purpose, communication must also contribute to the overall strategic success of any organisation. This module provides students with an appreciation of strategic thinking and the development of strategic communication as part of strategic management of an organisation.

Contemporary Communication Channels

The pace of development of social media challenges communication professionals to select and adopt their most effective use. This module introduces students to the strategic use of emerging communication technologies for effective Public Relations practice and to the range of issues to be considered in the strategic use of digital communication channels within contemporary Public Relations.


Integrated Communications

Strategic communication requires the integration of all communication tools. This module introduces the student to the theories, principles and practices of integrated communications. The module enables the student to appreciate the components of integrated communications and particularly Public Relations.



INTRA (Compulsory)

If you would be interested in hiring from this programme, please get in touch.


INTRA Coordinator Email Address   Contact Number 
Fiona Deane  fiona.deane@dcu.ie   01-7008877