INTRA Programme BSc Psychology & Disruptive Technologies (Psychology)

one student looking at multiple computer screens
BSc Psychology & Disruptive Technologies


Psychology and Disruptive Technologies offers students the unique opportunity

to study psychology and understand human behaviour in combination with disruptive

technologies, including generative artificial intelligence, that are fundamentally

transforming lives and driving behavioural and societal change, sometimes raising

challenges. It does so by providing an accredited pre-professional route to further training in

Psychology and applied progression routes in Disruptive Technologies.


This programme provides the skills, expertise and values for students to be able to

work in a rapidly changing and diverse technological environment in behaviour change,

mental wellbeing, health, enhancement and rehabilitation, and innovation.


Graduates of the BSc Psychology & Disruptive Technologies will be well-positioned to

develop careers in a wide variety of sectors. These careers include, but are not limited to,

the following:

Future Careers

● Data Management

● Behavioural Data Analysis, AI and Analytics 

● Test Developer

● Behavioural Policy Analyst

● Data Visualisation 

● Further Study - Teacher

● Further Study - Professional Psychologist  

● Researcher/Behavioural Scientist in Industry/Academia/NGOs/Other

In These Areas

● Telehealth and Diagnostics 

● Test Development

● Information Technology 

● Digital and Data Consultancy

● Healthcare, Health and Wellbeing

● Cognitive Science and Cognitive Technologies (Artificial Intelligence)

● Social Robotics 

● Mixed Reality Human Technology Interaction (HTI) 

● Education

● Innovation Research

● Industry/ Non – Governmental Organisations (NGO’s)/ Academia

INTRA Internship

Students complete a 14 week INTRA work placement in Year 3.

Student Availability

January onwards for 14 weeks – 20 hours per week 


Course Modules

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Cognition
  • Social Psychology
  • Critical Thinking
  • Enterprise andCollaboration Skills
  • Research Methods and Statistics 1
  • Psychology of Disruptive Innovation
  • Personality Psychology
  • Data Literacy and Analytics
  • Programming for Mathematics
  • ScienceCommunication and Media Skills
  • Pre-Professional Training and Skills (Transversal)
  • Child Development
  • Biological Psychology 1 and 2
  • Research Methods and Statistics 1
  • Psychological Measurement and Assessment
  • Science Technology and Society
  • The Person
  • Ethics and Technology
  • Behaviour Change and Technology
  • Programming Fundamentals 2and 3
  • Developing Internet Applications
  • Qualitative Research Skills and Analysis.
  • Cognition across the Lifespan
  • Possibility Studies
  • Research Methods and Statistics 3 
  • Innovation Disruption and Sustainability
  • Advanced Developmental Psychology
  • Psychological Health
  • Difficulties and Disorders
  • Topics in Innovative and Disruptive
  • Technologies
  • Psychology Research Project
  • Social Psychology and Contemporary Issues
  • Digital Citizenship
  • in the Community
  • Technology, Policy and Safety
  • Neuropsychology
  • eHealth
  • eWell-beingand Digital Therapeutics
  • E-Journal Club
  • Introduction to Machine Learning

Electives in Psychology and Disruptive Technologies such as;

  • Computational Psychiatry
  • Law of Cognitive Technologies and Robotics
  • AdvancedPsychometric Profiling

Elective choice from;

  • Programming Fundamentals
  • High- Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • BusinessDatabase
  • Advanced Web Design

If you would be interested in hiring from this programme, please get in touch.



INTRA Coordinator  Email Address  Contact Number 
Geraldine Farrell 01-7005033