INTRA Programme BSc Physics with Astronomy

The Objective of this four-year, full-time degree is to produce graduates with a thorough understanding of physics and all the transferable skills associated with a physics degree and associated skills in IT and mathematics, combined with a good background in astronomy and astrophysics as a specialisation (i.e. a physics “major”, astronomy “minor”). The courses taught within the degree programme provide the students with skills in the following areas:
- Computer programming and computational physics
- Image processing and analysis
- Signal acquisition instrumentation
- Optical instrumentation and photonics design, validation etc.
- Statistical analysis
Programme Outline
During the first two years, courses are provided in classical and modern physics as well as in mathematics, electronics and computing. From second year on, in addition to core physics modules students take courses in subjects such as instrumentation, optics, computing, mathematics, space science & technology, astronomy and astrophysics and have options to take further modules in advanced areas such as digital signal processing. There is a strong emphasis on developing practical laboratory skills and other generic, transferable skills such as report writing, oral presentation, group work and project planning skills throughout the course. An important element of Physics programmes at DCU is the emphasis placed on project work, report writing, oral presentations and laboratory skills throughout the four-year programme.
Work Areas
Students from the BSc Physics with Astronomy will have the ability to work in roles listed below:
- Manufacturing and Optoelectronics
- Medical Physics
- Radiation Protection
- Energy Sources & Conservation
- Optical instrumentation/design
- Electronics and Information Technology
- Aerospace Engineering
- Meteorology
- Signal acquisition/processing
- Statistical analysis
- Telecommunications
- Software Engineering
- Environmental Monitoring
- Process Control & Instrumentation
- Image processing and analysis
INTRA Internship
Students from the BSc Physics with Astronomy are eligible to participate in an eight month INTRA placement at the end of third year.
Course Modules
Core Modules
- Introduction to Programming
- Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
- Calculus
- Motion and Energy
- Light and Optics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Thermal & Physical Properties of Matter
- The Universe
- Physics Laboratory I
- Introduction to Computing
Core Modules
- Digital and Analogue Electronics I
- Linear Mathematics
- Calculus of Several Variables
- Quantum Physics I
- Electromagnetism
- Solid State Physics I
- Relativity, Nuclear and Particle
- Physics
- Space Science and Technology
- Vibrations and Waves
- Laboratory General Physics
Optional Modules
- Advanced Programming
- Programming
INTRA (Physics)
- Introduction to Differential Equations
- Quantum Physics II
- Statistical Physics
- Wave Optics
- Astronomical Techniques
- Stellar Physics
Core Modules
- Image Processing & Analysis
- Mechanics
- Topics in Astrophysics
- Cosmology & Exoplanets
- Electrodynamics
- Applied Spectroscopy
- Final Year Project
Optional Modules
- Digital Signal Processing
- Plasma Science and Technology
- Materials Growth & Characterisation:
- Semicond
- Nonlinear Dynamics & Modeling for Scientists
- Uaneen Non-Contributing Module
If you would be interested in hiring from this programme, please get in touch.
INTRA Coordinator | Email Address | Contact Number |
Fiona Deane | fiona.deane@dcu.ie | 01-7008877 |