INTRA Programme BA Joint Honours (Media)

Students can choose from a range of Arts subjects for a degree with multifaceted perspectives. They will examine areas central to contemporary society, including tradition, culture, theology, law, politics, communications, human environment relations and human behaviour. Along with Media Studies, students will choose one subject from English, International Languages or Politics.
Students have the abilities but are not limited to work in the following areas:
Community Development
EU Institutions
Policy evaluation
Public Relations
INTRA Internship
Students studying for Bachelor of Arts (Media Studies) are required to complete a twelve month INTRA placement at the end of second year.
Course Modules
Core Modules
- Analysing Media Content
- History & Structure of the Media
- Introduction to Communication Studies
- Cultural Studies
Optioal Modules
- Introduction to Fiction: Short Story and Novel
- Eng.Study Skills,Creativity andTheoretical Contx
- Genre: The Tragedy-Comedy Complex
- Poetry: How and Why to Read it
- Modern European and American Drama
- Lit&Value:What Makes Great Books Great
- French Language (Intermediate)
- French Society and Literature
- German Language (Intermediate)
- German Society and Literature
- Language Culture and Society
- Contemporary Cultural Debates
- Introduction to European Integration
- American Political System
- Introduction to Politics
- Intro. to International Relations & Security
- Introduction to Development
- Research Methods
- Spanish Language (Intermediate)
- Spanish Society and Literature
Core Modules
- Media Audiences
- Media and Power
- Film, History and Theory
- Social Media in Everyday Life
Optional Modules
- Shakespeare and the English Renaissance
- Gender and Sexuality
- Romanticism: Innocence and Experience
- 19th Century Literature
- Modernism and Postmodernism
- Empire Writing and Postcolonial Literatures
- French Fantasy Literature
- French Translation Practice
- French Language (Ex Intermediate)
- French Literature and Film
- German Translation Practice
- German for International Business
- German Language (Ex Intermediate)
- German Literature and Film
- Japanese Language 4
- Textual Studies
- The Irish Political System
- America and the Wider World
- Global Political Economy
- Spanish Translation Practice
- Spanish for InternationalBusiness (Ex Intermediate)
- Spanish Language (Ex Intermediate)
- Spanish Literature and Film
INTRA (Optional)
Core Modules
- Media Law
- Television Drama
- Media Religion and Society
- Press and Public Relations
- Communication, Media & Cultural Diversity
- Science, Technology & Society
Optional Modules
- Research Seminar
- Poetry in Public
- Irish Writing: then & now, local & the global
- Irish Theatre
- Creating Childhood : Children’s Literature
- Modern French Poetry
- Memory and Identity
- French Lang & Culture (Intermediate)
- French Intermediate Oral Skills
- German Language (Intermediate)
- German Literature and Society
- Japanese Language and Culture
- Asian Business Culture
- Sexualities , Languages and Societies
- Post-Soviet Politics
- Contemp. Politics of the M. East & N. Africa
- Political Terrorism
- Issues in European Integration
- Unrecognised States in the Intl. System
- Political Leadership
- Spanish Language/ Oral skills
- Latin America : Society , Literature & Culture
If you would be interested in hiring from this programme, please get in touch.
INTRA Coordinator | Email Address | Contact Number |
Sarah Fleming | sarah.fleming@dcu.ie | 01-7006375 |