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INTRA Internships

INTRA Programme BA Global Business

Students walking and talking in a corridor
BA Global Business


The Bachelor of Arts Global Business is a full time four-year degree programme. Students from Ireland, Canada, France, Germany, Spain and the U.S. participate. The objectives of the Bachelor of Arts Global Business are: 

  • To provide a broad knowledge of theories, concepts and methods pertaining to the study of general business management combined with a specific knowledge of different socio-cultural/linguistic contexts. 
  • To develop students who can apply specific knowledge in market and business research, finance, marketing, human resources, e-business, law and a language whilst comprehending the wider economic, social and cultural context of business. 
  • To provide students with a multi-cultural educational experience, exploring the culture of business and society in Europe, Canada and the United States. 
  • To foster understanding of the methods and techniques of business in an international context. 
  • To develop students’ proficiency in French, German or Spanish and so afford them the opportunity to develop careers in the international context.

Programme Outline

The degree programme is offered in conjunction with: Goodman School of Business, Brock University, Ontario (Canada), NEOMA Business School, Reims (France); ESB Business School, Reutlingen (Germany); La Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid (Spain); D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Boston (USA). It is a dual degree programme between DCU and a partner institution and consists of four streams: Canada (with Brock University, Ontario); France (with NEOMA Business School, Reims); Germany (with ESB, Reutlingen); Spain (with ICADE, Madrid); USA (with Northeastern University, Boston). 


The students spend two years in their home university and two years in one of the partner institutions starting either at the home or the partner institution. The two main educational strands are: 

Languages: DCU-recruited students take French, German or Spanish, which will be the working language for 2 years of their degree programme. Students recruited in France, Germany and Spain will have English as their working language for 2 years at DCU.


 Business: During years one and two, the courses provide students with an understanding of the principles of business (e.g. accounting, law, economics, human resource management). The third year, whether at DCU or abroad, expands on these courses while continuing to prepare students for the specific challenges of business in such areas as financial management and international trade. Fourth year gives students a strategic view of business while adding an international dimension to the degree with a particular focus on the international aspects of business. 

INTRA Internship 

Students from the Bachelor of Arts Global Business Studies are required to complete a four - six month INTRA placement at the end of second year (February to July), and a six-month placement at the end of third year (February to July).


Course Modules

  • Business Mathematics 1
  • Critical Thinking for Business
  • Enterprise 101
  • Introduction to Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 
  • Introduction to European Integration
  • Introduction to Marketing
  • Financial Accounting for Decision Making
  • Finance 1
  • IT Skills and Software Tools for Managers



Law, German, French, Spanish, American Studies, Modern Technology


  • Finance 2
  • Psychology in Organisations
  • Macro-Economic Policy
  • Statistics for Business and Economics
  • Management Accounting



German ,French ,Spanish , American Studies, Media and Communications



INTRA (Compulsory)


  • Operations Management
  • Marketing Communications
  • International Trade and Business
  • Organisation Theory and Practice 1
  • Human Resource Management



German, French,  Spanish,  Irish, Economic Analysis, Growth and Development


INTRA (Compulsory)

  • Globalisation
  • Business Ethics
  • Business Project
  • New Enterprise Development Project
  • Business Strategy
  • French/German/Spanish


Optional Specialisms: Four modules from one of the following specialisms

Finance,Human Resource Management, Law, Marketing, Management


If you would be interested in hiring from this programme, please get in touch.



INTRA Coordinator  Email Address  Contact Number 
Vanessa Wade vanessa.wade@dcu.ie 01-7005178