INTRA Faculy Tutors
The INTRA Module
Many DCU courses include an INTRA module as part of the academic structure. The module is a compulsory internship of a specified duration that has credits and is fully assessed. Please view the INTRA Schedule 2023/2024 [excel] to find out what courses include an INTRA module/internship. Each course has a specific placement start date and duration depending on the credits assigned.
How is it Assessed?
There are 3 main assessments (with some exceptions in Engineering and Journalism) as follows:
- Tutor Visit: on site visit by DCU tutor to student and supervisor during placement
- Work Term Report: report, based on specific guidelines, submitted by student
- Employer Evaluation Form: on line evaluation submitted by employer for each student
The marks for each element are combined to give an overall Pass or Fail for the INTRA module for each student. In addition, students must also complete the full time requirement specified in their contract or offer letter (which may differ from the official INTRA calendar dates) and abide by relevant terms and conditions.
What is my Role as INTRA Tutor?
Each School assigns a specific staff member, known as an INTRA Tutor, to each student. If you are a tutor, you are responsible for:
- Undertaking an on-site visit to your assigned students and their supervisors during the placement and
- Completing a tutor visit form for each student, following the site visit, and returning the forms to the INTRA office by the given deadline
- Reading and grading your assigned students’ work term reports
- Informing the INTRA office of any issues with students or employers that require attention
The marks from tutor visit and work term report are combined with those of the employer evaluation to give an overall Pass or Fail grade to the INTRA module for each student. Please read the Guidelines for INTRA Tutors for further information.