Intersex Mapping Study

Reports & Documents
- In October 2020, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine published this important Consensus Study Understanding the Well-Being of LGBTQI+ Populations
- Check out the 2020 Europe Review from the ILGA @ILGAEurope here https://ilga.org/ilga-europe-annual-review-2020-launched
- OII Europe 2019 Annual Report. Available to download here
- ILGA World: The United Nations Treaty Bodies are "an are an authoritative source of international law, and have steadily contributed to protecting the human rights of LGBTI persons. A review of their activities in 2017 and 2018, released today by ILGA World, shows that references to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) made by the committees have hit an all-time high." Click here to download the reports
- International intersex activist, Morgan Carpenter, shares this important resource that can be used at school to foster safe and inclusive classrooms.
Safe Schools Symposium: Inclusive schools for students with intersex variations
A presentation on "Inclusive schools for students with intersex variations" at the National Safe Schools Symposium, 2015.
- dsd Families is a UK-based charity supporting families and their children. They published a report in 2019 'Listen to us': Consultations with children, young people and families with different sex development.
- Building Bodies - A Legal History of Intersex in Ireland by Tanya NĂ Mhuirthile (2015). Book chapter in Redmond, Jennifer; Tiernan, Sonja; McAvoy, Sandra and McAuliffe, Mary (eds.) Sexual Politics in Modern Ireland. Sallins: Irish Academic Press. pp. 154-172. ISBN 978-07165-32859