Irish Centre for Religious Education

Book Launch: 'Does Religious Education Matter?'
Professor Andrew McGrady, Dr. Gareth Byrne and Dr. Sandra Cullen at the launch of ICRE Advisory Board Member, Dr. Mary Shanahan’s edited volume, 'Does Religious Education Matter?' (2017, Routledge). This collection brings together a number of international scholars who reflect on religious education as it occurs in a variety of contexts and in many forms. The volume was launched by Professor Andrew McGrady.
In his chapter Gareth Byrne reflects on ‘Religious education in Catholic second-level schools in Ireland today: An invitation to love, understanding, commitment, hospitality and dialogue’. Sandra Cullen’s contribution, 'Interpreting “between privacies”: Religious Education as a conversational activity’, considers the role that religious education plays in creating spaces between the public and private spheres of peoples’ lives.